本文介绍了使用绝对引用 ($) 锁定 Google 电子表格中的多个单元格的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


无论如何要在我的 Google 电子表格中公式的所有单元格引用前面添加一个 $ 而无需手动输入它们?

Is there anyway to add a $ in front of all the cell references for formulas in my Google Spreadsheets without hand typing them in?

例如:=Sheet1!H164 -> =Sheet1!$H$164

我有数百个公式需要执行此操作.我知道 是一个热键,但以这种方式锁定单元格引用需要数年时间.

I have hundreds of formulas I need to do this for. I understand that is a hotkey, but it would take years to lock the cell references that way.


我也推荐使用 Find and replace(例如 Find !A. Replace with !$A$)

I also recommend to use Find and replace (e.g. Find !A. Replace with !$A$)

但请注意:如果您的工作表中的条目超过 26 列,则会影响 Z 之后的列,例如AA1 将变为 $A$A1 将失败.之后您必须手动检查它们并进行更正.

But attention: If your sheet has entries in more than 26 columns, you would affect columns after Z, e.g. AA1 would become $A$A1 which will fail. You have to go through them afterwards manually and correct.

这篇关于使用绝对引用 ($) 锁定 Google 电子表格中的多个单元格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 14:24