

我有一个excel电子表格,其中包含一些公式来计算即将到来的客户产品的投资回报率。是否可以将其转换为php脚本,由此用户将键入一些框,然后提交它一样工作。 excel电子表格在这里:

I have an excel spreadsheet that contains some formulas to calculate ROI for an upcoming product of a client. Is it possible to convert this into a php script whereby a user would type into some boxes and then submit it working out the same. The excel spreadsheet is here: http://www.solidcamxpress.co.uk/roi.xls



You can use PHPExcel to read an existing spreadsheet and extract its data/formulas, but converting those formulas from Excel syntax to PHP is rather non-trivial.

除非你正在做一个通用的Excel-> PHP转换器,编写这样的转换器所需的时间/精力将远远大于你手动分析一个电子表格并编写一些PHP的东西来重新创建它。

Unless you're doing a generalized Excel->PHP converter, the time/effort required to write such a converter will be far greater than it would take you do analyze the one spreadsheet by hand and code up some PHP stuff to recreate it.


08-28 12:14