


   Song song = new Song();


now i want to see the 3rd column so should i write this code



with getString(0);它以此方法返回列表的大小

with getString(0); it is returning the the size of list as this method

 private Song cursorToSelectSong(Cursor cursor) {
    Song song = new Song();
    return song;


but it is not displaying it in other activity.it shows the empty string, i've checked it by using the Toast.code of that activity is

 mSongDao = new SongDAO(this);
    mListSongs = mSongDao.getSelectedSongs(artist_id);
    if (mAdapter == null) {
        mAdapter = new ListSongsAdapter(this, mListSongs);
        Toast.makeText(this, mListSongs+"", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();





例如,如果查询基于SELECT * FROM your_table(并且表中的列定义为id,songname,songyear,songpath),则按定义的列就是光标.

For example if the query were based upon SELECT * FROM your_table (and the columns in the table were defined as id, songname, songyear, songpath) then the columnd is the cursor would be as per the definition.

但是,如果您做了SELECT songname, songpath, songid, songyear FROM your_table;

顺序将按照 SELECT 语句进行,即歌曲名称(0),歌曲路径(1),歌曲ID(2),歌曲年份(3).

The the order would be as per the SELECT statement i.e. songname (0), songpath (1), songid (2), songyear (3).


However, that is one of the issues with using offsets you are tied to the order as per the SELECT.

现在,如果您使用Cursor的 getColumnIndex 方法,则根据其名称返回列偏移.

Now if you used the Cursor's getColumnIndex method then that returns the column offset according to it's name.


So cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("songpath")); would get the songpath column irrespective of it's offset/position in the Cursor (IF THE CURSOR INCLUDES THAT COLUMN).

回顾上一个问题,您基本上有SELECT songpath FROM your_table,因此结果游标中只有一列,因此您只能使用get之一:-

Recalling your previous question you basically had SELECT songpath FROM your_table, As such there is just a single column in the resultant Cursor so you could only use get either :-





The latter is the recommended method (BUT ideally have the column names defined as constants)


Matters can get more complicated though, for example consider

SELECT songpath||songname AS myconfusingcolumn FROM yourtable;

这将返回一个名为myconfusingcolumn的单列,该列由与歌曲名串联的歌曲路径组成.也就是说,AS关键字后面是该列的别名(没有AS时,列名将更加混乱/困难,因为它是songpath || songname)(此示例相对简单).

This would return a single column named myconfusingcolumn that consists of the songpath concatenated with the songname. That is the AS keyword is followed by an alias for the column (without the AS the column name would be even more confusing/difficult as it would be songpath||songname) (this example is relatively simple).


Another thing to be wary of is, are ambiguous columns (duplicated column names) for example, if you had two tables song and artist and song the the additional column artist_id so you have :-

歌曲表,其中包含 id 歌曲名称歌曲年份歌曲路径 artist_id

The song table with columns id, songname, songyear, songpath, artist_id

艺术家表,其中包含 id 列和 artist_name


SELECT * FROM song JOIN artist ON song.artist_id = artist.id;

  • 请注意,作为 artist 表的 id 列,如果在语句中使用该表,则必须在其前面加上相应的表名,否则将出现AMBIGUOUS列错误被引发,即SQL解析器将不知道您的意思是 id 列.
    • Note that as the id column of the artist table, if used in the statement, it has to be prefixed with the respective table name otherwise an AMBIGUOUS column error would be raised i.e. the SQL parser wouldn't know which id column you mean.
    • 此外,您最终会得到一个具有列的游标:-

      Furthermore you would end up with a Cursor having columns :-

      id ,歌曲名称,歌曲年份,歌曲路径,artist_id, id ,artist_name

      id, songname, songyear, songpath, artist_id, id, artist_name

      csr.getLong(csr.getColumnIndex("id")); could get confused (I believe it actually gets the last AMBIGUOUS column)
      long songid = csr.getLong(0); would get the id column from the song table.
      long artistid = csr.getLong(5); would get the id column from the artist table.
      long artistid = csr.getLong(4); would also get the artist_id same as (5).



      The columns, order and name, in a Cursor are wholly dependant upon the SELECT query. They will have an offset and name as per the query. When accessing the Cursor the underlying table name(s) are not usable just the column names or offsets.

      按列名而不是按对象名访问列更灵活.那是因为使用了Cursor的 getColumnIndex 方法,因为它不需要计算偏移量,尤其是在更改查询时缺少重新计算的情况.

      It is more flexible to access columns by their names rather than by their offstes. That is make use of the Cursor's getColumnIndex method as it negates the need to calculate offsets and more especially missing re-calculation should a query be changed.


      使用Toast.makeText(this, mListSongs+"", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


      Will get the unusual result [{}] because mListSongs is the entire container for the Songs. You need to loop though each element and then get the properties/values for each member/variable from the element(Song object).


09-02 18:34