




Can someone please explain if there's really any advantage to writing a multi-threaded piece of code that runs on a single processor with a single core? E.g., a method that processes document pages such that the pages are mutually exclusive w/r/t the aforementioned piece of code.


At first glance, it doesn't seem like there'd be an advantage because true multi-threading is not possible. I.e., the OS would have to context switch the threads anyway. I'm wondering if just coding something in a single-threaded manner could actually be more efficient.


Clearly, there are plenty of cases where writing multi-threaded code makes sense, but again, my question gets to whether there's really an advantage of doing so when the application is running on a single-core processor.

请注意,我不是说应用程序"而是说代码段" -请看上面的示例.显然,拥有多线程应用程序会带来好处.

note, that I did not say "application" but rather "piece of code" - look at my example above. Clearly there are benefits to having a multi-threaded application.



There are still advantages to be gained, but they're a bit situational.

  • 在许多情况下,赋予事物多个线程将使其可以从其他进程中夺取更多系统资源.这样做很难做到平衡,并且您引入的每个线程都会增加一些开销,但这可能是一个原因.

  • In many cases, giving the thing multiple threads will allow it to claim more system resources from other processes. This is finicky to balance, and each thread you introduce adds a bit of overhead, but it can be a reason.


If you are dealing with multiple potentially blocking resources - like file IO or GUI interaction or whatnot, then multithreading can be vital.


08-01 21:19