本文介绍了86 CMP指令差异的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



What is the (non-trivial) difference between the following two x86 instructions?

39 /r    CMP r/m32,r32   Compare r32 with r/m32
3B /r    CMP r32,r/m32   Compare r/m32 with r32



I'm building a Java assembler, which will be used by my compiler's intermediate language to produce Windows-32 executables.


Currently I have following code:

final ModelBase mb = new ModelBase(); // create new memory model
mb.addCode(new Compare(Register.ECX, Register.EAX)); // add code
mb.addCode(new Compare(Register.EAX, Register.ECX)); // add code

final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("test.exe"));

要输出一个有效的可执行文件,其中包含在文本部分有两个CMP指令。输出到text.exe会做什么有趣的可执行文件,但是这不是重点。类比较围绕 CMP 指令的包装。

To output a valid executable file, which contains two CMP instruction in a TEXT-section. The executable outputted to "text.exe" will do nothing interesting, but that's not the point. The class Compare is a wrapper around the CMP instruction.


The above code produces (inspecting with OllyDbg):

Address   Hex dump                 Command
0040101F  |.  3BC8                 CMP ECX,EAX
00401021  |.  3BC1                 CMP EAX,ECX

所不同的是微妙:如果我用 39 字节运算code:

Address   Hex dump                 Command
0040101F  |.  39C1                 CMP ECX,EAX
00401021  |.  39C8                 CMP EAX,ECX


Which makes me wonder about their synonymity and why this even exists.



It doesn't matter which opcode you use if you compare two registers. The only difference is when comparing a register with a memory operand, as the opcode used determines which will be subtracted from which.

至于为什么此存在:x86指令格式使用MODR / M字节表示是存储器地址或寄存器。每条指令只能有一个MODR / M值,这意味着它只能访问一个内存地址(不包括像MOVSB​​特殊说明)。因此,这意味着不能是一般 CMP R / M32,R / M32 指令,我们需要两个不同的运codeS: CMP R / M32,R32 CMP R32,R / M32 。作为一个副作用,比较两个寄存器时会带来一些冗余。

As for why this exists: The x86 instruction format uses the ModR/M byte to denote either a memory address or a register. Each instruction can only have one ModR/M value, which means it can only access one memory address (not including special instructions like MOVSB). So this means that there can't be a general cmp r/m32, r/m32 instruction, and we need two different opcodes: cmp r/m32, r32 and cmp r32, r/m32. As a side effect, this creates some redundancy when comparing two registers.

这篇关于86 CMP指令差异的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 05:34