

在JSP / JSTL,我怎么能对类的useBean的设定值=java.util.ArrayList中。



这是不能直接成为可能。还有的 c为C:集> < JSP:的setProperty> 标签,它允许你在设置属性通过一个se​​tter方法​​fullworthy的javabean。但是,列表接口没有一个二传手,只是一个添加()方法。

A 解决方法将包装清单在一个真正的javabean像这样:

 公共类ListBean {    私人列表<对象>名单=新的ArrayList<对象>();    公共无效setChild(Object对象){
    }    公开名单<对象>的GetList(){


 < JSP:useBean的ID =listBean级=com.example.ListBean范围=请求/>
< JSP:的setProperty NAME =listBean属性=孩子VALUE =富/>
< JSP:的setProperty NAME =listBean属性=孩子VALUE =酒吧/>
< JSP:的setProperty NAME =listBean属性=孩子VALUE =WAA/>


 列表<串GT;清单= Arrays.asList(富,酒吧,WAA);
的request.getRequestDispatcher(/ WEB-INF / page.jsp)向前(请求,响应)。


  $ {}列表

需要老式< JSP:useBean的> 标记。在一个servlet你都自由编写Java code中的常用方法。 useBean的> 标记&LT这样,您就可以使用JSP纯presentation只,无需狼吞虎咽/破解一些preprocessing逻辑p>


In JSP/JSTL, how can I set values for a usebean of class="java.util.ArrayList".

If I try using c:set property or value, I get the following error:javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Invalid property in : "null"


That isn't directly possible. There are the <c:set> and <jsp:setProperty> tags which allows you to set properties in a fullworthy javabean through a setter method. However, the List interface doesn't have a setter, just an add() method.

A workaround would be to wrap the list in a real javabean like so:

public class ListBean {

    private List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();

    public void setChild(Object object) {

    public List<Object> getList() {
        return list;

and set it by

<jsp:useBean id="listBean" class="com.example.ListBean" scope="request" />
<jsp:setProperty name="listBean" property="child" value="foo" />
<jsp:setProperty name="listBean" property="child" value="bar" />
<jsp:setProperty name="listBean" property="child" value="waa" />

But that makes little sense. How to solve it rightly depends on the sole functional requirement. If you want to preserve some List upon a GET request, then you should be using a preprocessing servlet. Create a servlet which does the following in doGet() method:

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar", "waa");
request.setAttribute("list", list);
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/page.jsp").forward(request, response);

When you invoke the servlet by its URL, then the list is in the forwarded JSP available by


without the need for old fashioned <jsp:useBean> tags. In a servlet you've all freedom to write Java code the usual way. This way you can use JSP for pure presentation only without the need to gobble/hack some preprocessing logic by <jsp:useBean> tags.

See also:


08-06 08:44