我正在使用Amazon的AWS Cognito以及Lambda和Facebook登录创建一个小型API.
I'm creating a small API using Amazon's AWS Cognito as well as Lambda and a Facebook Login.
When a user / my App sends an API request to Lambda, Cognito does a good job and authenticates the user with it's Facebook-Login on the fly. My point is that as far I can see, Cognito isn't handing on any information about the user (like an ID or the Fb access token), except I'm providing it in my request of course.
就我而言,我想让用户使用AWS Lambda中的Facebook访问令牌来做一些事情.
In my case, I'd like to get the users Facebook access token in AWS Lambda to do some stuff with it.
Does anyone know how to get any information of the current user, which is hitting the API (like the Fb access token) or is Cognito a closed system in this way?
如果您将Facebook集成与Cognito用户池一起使用(在联合身份验证->身份提供者下),则可以将access_token从Facebook集成映射到可用的通过进入联合身份验证->属性映射-> Facebook标签来启用Cognito属性. Facebook ID是用户名,减去"Facebook_"前缀.
If you are using the Facebook integration with Cognito User Pool (under federation -> identity providers), you can then map the access_token from the facebook integration to a useable Cognito attribute by going to federation -> attribute mapping -> Facebook tab. the facebook ID is the username, minus the "Facebook_" prefix.
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