

本文介绍了在所有上下文中都禁止AWS RDS PostgreSQL访问pg_catalog.pg_authid吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


PostgreSQL said: permission denied for relation pg_authid

由于RDS锁定了super角色,pg_authid在所有上下文中是否仅在AWS RDS上不可用?我的角色创建了表格,因此pg_catalog应该默认出现(并且不需要添加到搜索路径中),如果我没看错psql文档.只需要SELECT,而不是创造能力.

Is pg_authid just unavailable on AWS RDS in all contexts because of RDS locking down the super role? My role created the table, so pg_catalog should come by default (and not need to be added to search path) if I'm reading psql docs right. Just need SELECT, not create ability.

未能找到确定的AWS RDS文档页面,该页面上说在任何情况下都不允许使用pg_catalog.pg_authid,但是我继承了一个文档项目,该项目依赖于能够形成查询和加入我刚创建的数据库中的pg_authid表.我总是会拒绝上述许可.

Haven't been able to find a definitive AWS RDS documentation page where it says that pg_catalog.pg_authid is not allowed in any context, but I've inherited a documentation project that is relying on being able to form queries and joins on the pg_authid table in the DB I just created. I always get the above permission denied.


Tried adding a postgres role and giving it to myself, and also explicitly adding the db to my search path, to no avail.



The catalog pg_authid contains information about database authorization identifiers (roles). As you might be aware, that due to managed nature off RDS as a service, unfortunately it is not possible to have the full superuser role in RDS.


Unfortunately as the above mentioned is a limitation on RDS, if the access to 'pg_authid' is utmost necessary for performing your business, I would suggest you to look for EC2 hosted Postgres (community Postgres) as an option. The workaround to view the contents of 'pg_authid' is to use 'pg_roles', but the passwords are masked and would not tell you if it is encrypted or not.


Kindly note, not all catalogs are restricted from being read on RDS, below is the SQL Query which shows the privileges rds_superuser/master user has on each catalog.

SELECT relname, has_table_privilege('rds_superuser',relname,'SELECT') as SELECT,has_table_privilege('rds_superuser',relname,'UPDATE') as UPDATE,has_table_privilege('rds_superuser',relname,'INSERT') as INSERT,has_table_privilege('rds_superuser',relname,'TRUNCATE') as TRUNCATE FROM pg_class c , pg_namespace n where n.oid = c.relnamespace  and n.nspname in ('pg_catalog')  and relkind='r';

这篇关于在所有上下文中都禁止AWS RDS PostgreSQL访问pg_catalog.pg_authid吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 20:20