我正在尝试将数据集放入MATLAB [ranked,weights] = relieff(X,Ylogical,10, 'categoricalx', 'on')
函数中,以对预测变量的重要性进行排名. dataset<double n*m>
离散(即分类)特征.碰巧我的数据集中的每个观察值(行)至少都有一个NaN值.这些NaN代表数据集中未观察到的预测值(即缺失或为空). (数据集中没有损坏,只是不完整.)
I am trying to put my dataset into the MATLAB [ranked,weights] = relieff(X,Ylogical,10, 'categoricalx', 'on')
function to rank the importance of my predictor features. The dataset<double n*m>
has n
observations and m
discrete (i.e. categorical) features. It happens that each observation (row) in my dataset has at least one NaN value. These NaNs represent unobserved, i.e. missing or null, predictor values in the dataset. (There is no corruption in the dataset, it is just incomplete.)
relieff() uses this function below to remove any rows that contain a NaN:
function [X,Y] = removeNaNs(X,Y)
% Remove observations with missing data
NaNidx = bsxfun(@or,isnan(Y),any(isnan(X),2));
X(NaNidx,:) = [];
Y(NaNidx,:) = [];
This is not ideal, especially for my case, since it leaves me with X=[]
and Y=[]
(i.e. no observations!)
1) Would replacing all NaN's with a random value, e.g. 99999, help? By doing this, I am introducing a new feature state for all the predictor features so I guess it is not ideal.
2)还是在统计上用相应特征列向量的模式(如下所示)替换NaN? (为了清晰起见,我没有进行矢量化处理)
2) or is replacing NaNs with the mode of the corresponding feature column vector (as below) statistically more sound? (I am not vectorising for clarity's sake)
function [matrixdata] = replaceNaNswithModes(matrixdata)
for i=1: size(matrixdata,2)
cv= matrixdata(:,i);
modevalue= mode(cv);
cv(find(isnan(cv))) = modevalue;
matrixdata(:,i) = cv;
3) Or any other sensible way that would make sense for "categorical" data?
P.S: This link gives possible ways to handle missing data.
I suggest to use a table instead of a matrix.Then you have functions such as ismissing (for the entire table), and isundefined to deal with missing values for categorical variables.
T = array2table(matrix);
T = standardizeMissing(T); % NaN is standard for double but this
% can be useful for other data type
var1 = categorical(T.var1);
missing = isundefined(var1);
T = T(missing,:); % removes lines with NaN
matrix = table2array(T);