

如何将Django .sql3开发数据库迁移到heroku?

How does one migrate their Django .sql3 development database to heroku?

每我试过: heroku pg:psql --app sblic< database.sql3 ,但我的Django管理员没有显示任何新的上传(即使在syncdb / migrate /或collectstatic

Per here, and here I tried: heroku pg:psql --app sblic < database.sql3 but my Django admin shows no new uploads (even after syncdb/migrate/ or collectstatic



Perhaps there may be a way to directly upload an sql3 file to Heroku, but I went with the path of clearest certainty (convert local sql3 db to postgre db and upload a dump of postgre db to Heroku via pgbackups tool):

  1. 安装PostgreSql并在 bin code>路径环境变量,(或只是计划使用您安装postgresql时创建的初始超级用户帐户)

  2. 将您的 settings.py 更新为(注意'HOST'可能需要设置为'localhost''user'是您的postgre用户登录)

  3. 运行 python manage.py syncdb 启动您的新postgre db

  4. 可选:如有必要,的内容类型

  5. (如果您有fixture问题,)

  6. 现在你有一个工作的postgre本地数据库。

  7. 将您的postgre转储发布到可通过URL访问的位置(例如上一个链接中建议的下拉框或亚马逊s3)。

  8. 执行

  9. 您的英雄应用程序现在应该引用本地数据库的内容。

  1. Create a dump of your sql3 database as a json file
  2. With PostgreSql installed and with its bin directory in the Path environment variable, create a postgre user and database (or just plan on using your initial super user account created upon installing postgresql)
  3. Update your settings.py with a reference to your newly created postgre database (note, 'HOST' may need to be set as 'localhost', 'user' is your postgre user login)
  4. run python manage.py syncdb to initiate your new postgre db
  5. Optional: if necessary, truncate your postgre db of contenttypes
  6. load your dump from step 1 (if you have fixture issues, see here)
  7. Now you have a working postgre local db. To migrate, first create a postgre dump
  8. Post your postgre dump somewhere accessible by URL (such as drop box or amazon s3 as suggested in previous link).
  9. Perform pgbackups restore command, referencing your dump url
  10. Your heroku app should now reference the contents of your local db.


09-24 21:46