

我将Gupshup IDE Bot Builder和Wit.ai用于我网站上的ChatBot小部件.我在没有Gupshup(node-js)的情况下在FB-messenger中制作了相同的机器人,并且效果很好.

I am using Gupshup IDE Bot Builder and Wit.ai for a ChatBot widget on my website.I have made the same bot in FB-messenger without Gupshup (node-js) and it works fine.


When using Gupshup, the bot often gets stuck and does not respond. This also happens when I test it in the Gupshup proxy bot. So it seems like the problem is with the communication between Gupshup and Wit.ai.


Has anyone experienced the same issue? Will it improve if I build my bot outside and link it too Gupshup?


wit.ai的API和行为最近已更改. Gupshup将很快更新wit.ai模板.

The APIs and behavior of wit.ai have changed recently. Gupshup will update the wit.ai template soon.

同时,您可以将wit.ai API直接集成到Gupshup上的bot中.这些资源应有帮助:

In the mean time, you can integrate the wit.ai API directly into the bot on Gupshup.These resources should help:

  1. Wit.ai 快速入门指南
  2. Gupshup的制作HTTP调用指南
  1. Wit.ai quick start guide
  2. Gupshup's making HTTP calls guide


This will be a GET call.


10-19 15:07