I wanna make a crystal report in my c# windows application, the point is I want to use .net objects as my report datasource, I found its sample code as below in internet and use them and it works fine:
ArrayList Mainlst = new ArrayList();
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test1", Lastname = "test11" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test2", Lastname = "test21" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test3", Lastname = "test31" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test4", Lastname = "test41" });
Mainlst.Add(new testOBJ { Firstname = "test5", Lastname = "test51" });
testCrystalReport rpt = new testCrystalReport ();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt;
But I want to send extra object for example school information for these repeated information, but I can't send this extra object, is there any solution that I can send multiple objects to the crystal report? Of course I know that I can use multiple datatable and dataset for a crystal report datasource but here I just want to use objects and IEnumerables as datasource of a crystal report.
if you have many datasource such as1.EmployeeClass2.EmpployeeSkillClass
执行以下操作: / p>
Do the following :
List<EmployeeClass> employeeList = new List<EmployeeClass>();
employeeList.Add(new EmployeeClass() { EmpNo = "001", EmpName = "Supitchaya" });
List<EmpployeeSkillClass> employeeSkillList = new List<EmpployeeSkillClass>();
detList.Add(new EmpployeeSkillClass() { EmpNo = "001", Skill="C#" });
detList.Add(new EmpployeeSkillClass() { EmpNo = "001", Skill="Java" });
//Create instant of ReportDocument :
ReportDocument report = new RptEmployee(); //Crsytal report file
//Set datasource to each table. make sure that index of each table is collect
//(run on debug mode to find that tables[0] map with type Employee or EmployeeSkill)
report.Database.Tables[0].SetDataSource(employeeList );
report.Database.Tables[1].SetDataSource(employeeSkillList );
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;