本文介绍了如何使用Microsoft Graph API获取AppKey的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



POST https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/applications


I can get the AppId back, but can't find a way to get the AppKey. I would like to access that app later using application credentials.


Update:That what I send as password credential during the application creation:

  newAppObj.passwordCredentials = new List<AOBJ.AzurePasswordCredential>(){
            new AOBJ.AzurePasswordCredential()
                customKeyIdentifier = "T1rEXhNmUUmVqimnBPkirw==",
                keyId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                value = "WgjbF8vG3GM1XRGpc43fvtiO7ScpTGwh0jd6CjIRd40dCX3kP8LMlCdcrrEPBRidI4CXW1OCnSQJQxOzX+oIUw==",
                startDate ="2016-06-01T13:59:30Z",// DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                endDate = "2017-06-02T13:59:30Z"//DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(2)

当我使用之前设置为值的秘密密钥生成授权令牌时,如果尝试调用MicrosoftGraph API,我会得到以下响应:

When I then generate authorization token using the secret key that I set before as value, I get this response back, when trying to use is to call MicrosoftGraph API:

  "error": {
    "code": "Authorization_IdentityNotFound",
    "message": "The identity of the calling application could not be established.",
    "innerError": {
      "request-id": "42d3f97d-5ccb-4680-a6c2-dceb160d19c7",
      "date": "2016-06-02T21:03:31"


When I create the secret key manually via Azure portal, the api call works fine.


因此,事实证明,用于创建应用程序的POST并未创建基础的 ServicePrincipal 对象.在创建应用程序后,我不得不创建它.

So, turned out that the POST to create application didn't create the underlying ServicePrincipal object. I had to create it after the application was created.

 var servicePrincipal = O365OutlookClient.GetServicePrincipalForApp(InOnBoardingToken, createdAppObj.appId);
               if (servicePrincipal== null || servicePrincipal.appId==null)
                   var servicePrincipalObj = new AOBJ.AzureServicePrincipal();
                   servicePrincipalObj.appId = createdAppObj.appId;
                   servicePrincipalObj.displayName = createdAppObj.displayName;
                   servicePrincipalObj.accountEnabled = true;
                   var servicePrincipalJson = O365OutlookClient.PostServicePrincipalSync(InOnBoardingToken, servicePrincipalObj);


您需要生成并设置应用程序密码凭据(在创建应用程序时,或以后将其作为应用程序的PATCH).您可以通过生成一个强随机值,创建 passwordCredential 并将其添加到passwordCredentials集合中:

Application password credentials need to be generated and set by you (either when you create the application, or later as a PATCH to the application). You can do this by generating a strong random value, creating a passwordCredential and adding it to the passwordCredentials collection:

  /* ... */
  "passwordCredentials": [
      "customKeyIdentifier": "T1rEXhNmUUmVqimnBPkirw==",
      "endDate": "2016-06-02T13:59:30Z",
      "keyId": "e4003ae7-15be-487a-92d7-5d75aafdb4dc",
      "startDate": "2016-06-02T13:59:30Z",
      "value": "WgjbF8vG3GM1XRGpc43fvtiO7ScpTGwh0jd6CjIRd40dCX3kP8LMlCdcrrEPBRidI4CXW1OCnSQJQxOzX+oIUw=="
  /* ... */


customKeyIdentifier is a base64-encoded byte array (can be whatever you want), keyId is a newly-generated Guid, and startDate and endDate are the dates in which the password credential are valid. The actual secret key is stored in value.

这篇关于如何使用Microsoft Graph API获取AppKey的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 18:58