




I understand the flow of JWT and a single page application in terms of login and JWT issuance. However, if the JWT has a baked in expiry, AND the server isn't issuing a new JWT on each request, what is the best way for renewing? There is a concept of refresh tokens, but storing such a thing in a web browser sounds like a golden ticket.


IE I could easily go into a browsers local storage and steal a refresh token. Then I could go to another computer and issue myself a new token. I feel like there would need to be a server session in a db that's referenced in the JWT. Therefore the server could see if the session ID is still active or invalidated by a refresh token.


What are the secure ways to implement JWT in a SPA and handling new token issuance whilst the user is active?



Renewing the token every 15 minutes (if it lives for 30) works if you don't have another restriction in your server in which you need to check for 1 hour inactivity to log the user out. If you just want this short lived JWT and keep on updating it, it'd work.


I think one of the big advantages of using JWT is to actually NOT need a server session and therefore not use the JTI. That way, you don't need syncing at all so that'd be the approach I'd recommend you following.

如果您要强制注销不活动的用户,只需将JWT设置为在一小时内到期即可.有一个$ interval,它每隔约50分钟会根据旧的IF自动获得一个新的JWT,如果在最近50分钟内至少执行了一次操作(您可以有一个请求拦截器,它仅对请求进行计数以检查他是否处于活动状态)就是这样.

If you want to forcibly logout the user if he's inactive, just set a JWT with an expiration in one hour. Have a $interval which every ~50 minutes it automatically gets a new JWT based on the old one IF there was at least one operation done in the last 50 minutes (You could have a request interceptor that just counts requests to check if he's active) and that's it.


That way you don't have to save JTI in DB, you don't have to have a server session and it's not a much worse approach than the other one.



08-01 18:53