

本文介绍了Visual Studio 2013选项卡消失了的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




As seen below, I am supposed to have 5 tabs that should be showing up in the tab bar, but only 3 are seen. The other ones I can only retrieve by clicking on the arrow to the right.


This happens very frequently and for no apparent reason

对我来说,好像是Visual Studio 2013中的错误

Seems like a bug in Visual Studio 2013 to me


How can I get all the tabs to show up? This is really annoying


Note I also have Show Pinned Tabs on a Separate row selected.

此外,在此论坛中没有Visual Studio的讨论主题.

Additionally, there are no discussion topics for Visual Studio in this forum


我也在使用Visual Studio 2013,并且没有发生此问题.在安装Visual Studio 2013之后或长时间使用时会发生这种情况吗?
请检查您是否缩小了Visual Studio窗口的宽度.如果我们缩小Visual Studio窗口,它将在向右箭头中隐藏一些选项卡.
如果您的Visual Studio是全屏显示,请检查下图所示的选项卡设置.这是我对Visual Studio的设置.我没有选中在单独的行中显示固定的标签"选项.为了排除此问题可能导致的其他设置,请 尝试使用工具"重置所有设置->选项->导入和显示设置->重置所有设置.

I'm also using Visual Studio 2013 and don't have occurred this problem. Is this happens after you installed Visual Studio 2013 or when you using for a long time?
Please check whether do you have narrow the width of Visual Studio window. If we narrow the Visual Studio window, it will hide some tabs into the right arrow.
If your Visual Studio is full screen, please check the tab settings as below images. It's my settings of Visual Studio. I'm not check the "Show pinned tabs in a separate row" option. In order to exclude other settings may caused by this problem, please try reset all settings with Tools -> Options -> Import and Exprort Settings -> Reset all settings.

如果所有设置正确,但仍然存在此问题,请使用"Devenv.exe/SafeMode"以安全模式打开Visual Studio 2013.该命令可防止在启动Visual Studio时加载所有第三方VSPackages,从而确保稳定 执行.

If all settings are correct and it still has this problem, please open your Visual Studio 2013 in safe mode with "Devenv.exe /SafeMode" command to prevents all third-party VSPackages from loading when Visual Studio starts, thus ensuring stable execution.


Best Regards,

这篇关于Visual Studio 2013选项卡消失了的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 17:53