本文介绍了OpenCV Python和SIFT功能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道关于 Python OpenCV 的很多问题,但是我没有找到有关此特殊主题的帮助.

I know there is a lot of questions about Python and OpenCV but I didn't find help on this special topic.

我想从python OpenCV中的图像中提取 SIFT关键点.

I want to extract SIFT keypoints from an image in python OpenCV.

我最近安装了OpenCV 2.3,可以访问SURF和MSER,但不能访问SIFT.在python模块(cv和cv2)中,我看不到任何与SIFT相关的信息(嗯,我在说谎:有2个常量:cv2.SIFT_COMMON_PARAMS_AVERAGE_ANGLEcv2.SIFT_COMMON_PARAMS_FIRST_ANGLE).

I have recently installed OpenCV 2.3 and can access to SURF and MSER but not SIFT.I can't see anything related to SIFT in python modules (cv and cv2) (well I'm lying a bit: there are 2 constants: cv2.SIFT_COMMON_PARAMS_AVERAGE_ANGLE and cv2.SIFT_COMMON_PARAMS_FIRST_ANGLE).

一段时间以来,这使我感到困惑.这与OpenCV的某些部分在C中,而其他在C ++中的事实有关吗?有什么主意吗?

This puzzles me since a while.Is that related to the fact that some parts of OpenCV are in C and other in C++?Any idea?

P.S .:我也尝试了pyopencv(针对OpenCV的

P.S.: I have also tried pyopencv (another python binding for OpenCV <= 2.1) without success.


是否确定允许OpenCV支持SIFT? SIFT是一种专有功能类型,不列颠哥伦比亚大学和该算法的发明者David Lowe在美国获得了专利.在我自己的研究中,我不得不多次重写此算法.实际上,由于SIFT是专有技术,因此一些视觉研究人员试图避免SIFT并使用其他尺度不变模型.

Are you sure OpenCV is allowed to support SIFT? SIFT is a proprietary feature type, patented within the U.S. by the University of British Columbia and by David Lowe, the inventor of the algorithm. In my own research, I have had to re-write this algorithm many times. In fact, some vision researchers try to avoid SIFT and use other scale-invariant models because SIFT is proprietary.

这篇关于OpenCV Python和SIFT功能的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 17:34