



如果我们要导入 java.parentpackage.*; ...

If we are importing java.parentpackage.*;...

  • ...子包类是否也被导入或仅父包中的类被导入?
  • ...是否需要导入 java.parentpackage.childpackage.*; 来包括所有子包类?
  • ... do child package classes also get imported or only the classes in parent package?
  • ... is it required to import java.parentpackage.childpackage.*; to include all child package classes?


以包名和.**结尾的导入声明.* 仅导入包的所有公共类/接口/注释,不导入任何内容.别的.如果您还需要子包中的类,则必须分别导入它们.

An import declaration which ends with a package name and .* imports all public classes/interfaces/annotations of the package only and nothing else. If you need classes from the child package too, you have to import them separately.


If an import declaration contains a specific class, only that class will be imported.

如果导入声明包含特定的类加.* (这是静态导入,必须采用 import static ... 的形式),则所有静态字段和方法将从该类中导入,仅此而已.

If the import declaration contains a specific class plus .* (it's a static import, must be in the form of import static ...), then all static fields and methods will be imported from that class and nothing more.


Usually only specific classes are imported. It decreases the chances of class name collisions (2 different classes with same name defined in 2 different packages).


Also you are not required to import a class to use it, you can use a qualified name where every time you refer to that class, you always write full package name and class name.


08-01 17:18