

我试图在我的项目中添加Material-Ui React组件,但我对这两个网站/库感到困惑.

I am trying to add Material-Ui React components in my project and I'm confused with these 2 websites / libraries.

Material-Ui-Next-> https://material-ui-next.com/

Material-Ui-Next -> https://material-ui-next.com/

Material-Ui-> http://www.material-ui.com

Material-Ui -> http://www.material-ui.com

两个网站都有指向Github的链接- https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui

Both websites have a link to Github - https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui

它们是相同还是不同?他们两个都使用import {something} from 'material-ui/xxx'导入组件.

Are they same or different? Both of them are using import {something} from 'material-ui/xxx' to import the components.


I'm confused and which one I should learn/use in my project. Can you suggest?


Material-UI Next在预发行版中,因此您可以期望每个新发行版都可能会有重大更改.但这只是Material-UI的第2版,与以前的版本相比有很多改进.

Material-UI Next is in pre-release, so you can expect possible breaking changes with each new release. But it is simply version 2 of Material-UI, it has quite a bit of improvements over the previous version.

例如,您可以比较材料UI Drawer api >和 Material-UI Next .

For example, you can compare the Drawer api of Material-UI and Material-UI Next.

我建议阅读路线图,他们会解释为什么决定使用Material-UI Next从头开始.主要是

I'd recommend reading the Roadmap, they explain why they decided to start from the ground up with Material-UI Next. Mainly,


Material-UI Next is what will continue to be developed moving forward, so I'd personally go with that.


08-01 17:05