本文介绍了Ruby 中 RDF 的状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道 Ruby 当前对语义 Web 技术的支持.有没有好的 RDF 选项?上一次调查似乎是在 2007 年左右(http://paul-classic.stadig.name/2007/10/26/the-state-of-rdf-support-in-ruby-2007/).Redland 的 RDF 包装器是获得 RDF 支持的最佳方式吗?那篇陈旧的文章中提到的所有其他项目似乎都不受支持或被放弃.如果要从事与语义网络相关的项目,Ruby 可能是一个糟糕的选择吗?

I'm wondering about the current support there is in Ruby for semantic web technologies. Is there good RDF options? It seems that the last surveys done were circa 2007 ( http://paul-classic.stadig.name/2007/10/26/the-state-of-rdf-support-in-ruby-2007/ ). Is Redland's RDF wrappers the best way to go for RDF support - all the other projects mentioned in that aging article seem to be unsupported or dropped. Is Ruby perhaps a bad choice if one which to pursue projects pertaining to the semantic web?



Hey, Iaalto, I'm the author of the survey article that you mentioned. I've been thinking about doing a new survey.


A little has changed since I did the original survey, but not much. Here are a couple of things to consider:

  1. ActiveRDF 似乎已经走上了成为 JRuby 特定库的路线.他们的一些适配器仅用于 Java 库.不一定是问题,但需要注意.
  2. Reddy 只有一个基于内存的图.同样,不一定是问题.我不会因此而忽视 Reddy(过早的优化),但我也不会梦想存储数十亿个三元组.
  3. 我最近为 Redland 发现了一组新的 Ruby 绑定,名为 RedLeaf.不确定它有多成熟,但看起来 Michael 已经为此工作了大约一年.我直到最近才听说过它,因为它是离网的(没有 RubyForge 或 GitHub 项目).
  4. 我在 GitHub 上创建了一个名为 RubyRDF 的项目 (github.com/pjstadig/rubyrdf/tree/master).它没有大量的文档,但它主要是功能性的.它有一个支持事务的芝麻兼容适配器.我仍然对未来的方向有一些想法,并使其功能更加完整,但没有太多动力去致力于它.我欢迎任何贡献.
  1. ActiveRDF seems to have gone the route of being a JRuby specific library. Several of their adapters are for Java only libraries. Not necessarily a problem, but something to be aware of.
  2. Reddy only has a memory based graph. Again, not necessarily a problem. I wouldn't discount Reddy for that (premature optimization), but I also wouldn't dream of storing billions of triples.
  3. I recently found a new set of Ruby bindings for Redland called RedLeaf. Not sure how mature it is, but it looks like Michael has been working on it for about a year. I hadn't heard of it until recently because it is off-grid (no RubyForge or GitHub project).
  4. I created a project on GitHub called RubyRDF (github.com/pjstadig/rubyrdf/tree/master). It doesn't have a ton of documentation, but it is mostly functional. It has a Sesame compatible adapter with support for transactions. I still have some ideas for future direction, and making it more feature complete, but not a lot of impetus to work on it. I'd welcome any contributions.

底线: 如果 JRuby 对您来说不是问题,那么使用 ActiveRDF,它是最完整和最成熟的.如果基于内存的图不是问题,那么下一个最成熟的可能是 Reddy.

Bottom line: If JRuby is not a problem for you, then go with ActiveRDF, it is the most complete and mature. If memory based graph is not a problem, then the next most mature is probably Reddy.

这篇关于Ruby 中 RDF 的状态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 18:10