


I would like to write a small piece of program that launches threads, consumes available RAM memory in a linear fashion, until a certain level, and stops (ideally, pauses until "enough" memory is freed and continues creating threads after that, and so on.)

我尝试了以下操作,但是 list.Add(new byte [])需要连续的RAM空间并丢弃 OutOfMemoryException ,这不是我要尝试的操作模拟.

I tried the following, but the list.Add(new byte[]) requires contiguous RAM space and drops an OutOfMemoryException, which is NOT what I am trying to simulate.

我有一个需要消耗大量内存的多线程应用程序.我只想在实验室条件"中隔离/重现这种情况以解决该问题,即编写一个自适应的内存监视/线程限制器草案.我正在使用x64 OS和x64平台.明确地说:由于程序的原因,我想看到的结果是任务管理器内存监视器直接上升.

I have a multi-threaded memory-hungry application that eats up a whole bunch of RAM GB's. All I want is to isolate/reproduce that situation in "Lab conditions" to tackle it, i.e write an adaptive mem-monitoring / thread-limiter draft. I am using x64 OS an x64 Platform.To make it clear : The result I want to see is the Task Manager Memory Monitor going up straight due to the program.

    static void Main(string[] args)
        ComputerInfo ci = new ComputerInfo();
        D("TOTAL PHYSICAL MEMORY : " + Math.Round(ci.TotalPhysicalMemory / Math.Pow(10,9),3) +" GB");

        //########### Fill Memory ###############
        var list = new List<byte[]>();

        Thread FillMem= new Thread(delegate()
            while (Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 < MAX_MEM_LEVEL)
                list.Add(new byte[1024 * 10000]); //<- I Need to change this


        //########### Show used Memory ###############
        Thread MonitorMem = new Thread(delegate()
            while (true)
                D("PROCESS MEMORY : " + Math.Round(Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 / Math.Pow(10, 6), 3) + " MB");





The question is still quite confusing; it is not clear to me what you are trying to do here and why.

如果您真的想消耗物理内存-也就是说,告诉操作系统否,请不要真正使用计算机中安装的物理RAM芯片的这一部分而不是我说的话-那么我可能会使用名称恰当的通过非托管代码分配UserPhysicalPages 函数.

If you genuinely want to be consuming physical memory -- that is, telling the operating system no, really do not use this portion of the physical RAM chip that is installed in the machine for anything other than what I say -- then I would probably use the aptly-named AllocateUserPhysicalPages function from unmanaged code.


That will then reduce the amount of physical memory that is available for other uses, forcing more virtual memory pages to go out to the page file.


Other than making all the programs running on your machine a whole lot slower, I'm not sure what you intend to accomplish by this. Can you clarify?


08-01 16:32