本文介绍了如何在C ++中逐位读取/写入序列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经在C ++中实现了 Huffman 编码算法,并且运行良好.我想创建一个文本压缩算法.

I have implemented the Huffman coding algorithm in C++, and it's working fine. I want to create a text compression algorithm.


behind every file or data in the digital world, there is 0/1.

我想将霍夫曼编码算法生成的位序列( 0/1 )保留在文件中.

I want to persist the sequence of bits(0/1) that are generated by the Huffman encoding algorithm in the file.

我的目标是保存文件中要存储的位数.我将元数据存储在单独的文件中以进行解码.我想一点一点地将数据写入文件,然后在c ++中一点一点地读取相同的数据.

my goal is to save the number of bits used in the file to store. I'm storing metadata for decoding in a separate file. I want to write bit by bit data to file, and then read the same bit by bit in c++.


the problem I'm facing with the binary mode is that it not allowing me to put data bit by bit.I want to put "10101" as bit by bit to file but it put asci values or 8-bits of each character at a time.

#include "iostream"
#include "fstream"
using namespace std;

int main(){
    ofstream f;
    f.open("./one.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);

    return 0;



any help or pointer to help is appreciated. thank you.



"Binary mode" means only that you have requested that the actual bytes you write are not corrupted by end-of-line conversions. (This is only a problem on Windows. No other system has the need to deliberately corrupt your data.)


You are still writing a byte at a time in binary mode.


To write bits, you accumulate them in an integer. For convenience, in an unsigned integer. This is your bit buffer. You need to decide whether to accumulate them from the least to most or from the most to least significant positions. Once you have eight or more bits accumulated, you write out one byte to your file, and remove those eight bits from the buffer.


When you're done, if there are bits left in your buffer, you write out those last one to seven bits to one byte. You need to carefully consider how exactly you do that, and how to know how many bits there were, so that you can properly decode the bits on the other end.

使用您的语言中的位操作完成累加和提取.在C ++(和许多其他语言)中,它们是& (和), | (或),>> (右移)和<< (左移).

The accumulation and extraction are done using the bit operations in your language. In C++ (and many other languages), those are & (and), | (or), >> (right shift), and << (left shift).

例如,要在缓冲区中插入一个 x 位,然后在 y 中插入三位,最后以最重要的位置插入最早的位:

For example, to insert one bit, x, into your buffer, and later three bits in y, ending up with the earliest bits in the most significant positions:

unsigned buf = 0, bits = 0;


// some loop

   // write one bit (don't need the & if you know x is 0 or 1)
   buf = (buf << 1) | (x & 1);


   // write three bits
   buf = (buf << 3) | (y & 7);
   bits += 3;


   // write bytes from the buffer before it fills the integer length
   if (bits >= 8) {     // the if could be a while if expect 16 or more
       // out is an ostream -- must be in binary mode if on Windows
       bits -= 8;
       out.put(buf >> bits);




// write any leftover bits (it is assumed here that bits is in 0..7 --
// if not, first repeat if or while from above to clear out bytes)
if (bits) {
    out.put(buf << (8 - bits));
    bits = 0;


这篇关于如何在C ++中逐位读取/写入序列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 16:28