I want to be able to redirect a domain pointed to my webhosting to an external domain.
例如,我的 .htaccess 中有这个:
For example, I have this in my .htaccess:
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^(?:www\.)?mydomain\.example$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://myexternal.example/site [R=301,NC]
但是,当我访问域时,地址栏中的 URL 更改为 http://myexternal.example/site.
However, when I visit the domain, the URL in my address bar changes to http://myexternal.example/site.
如何在不更改 URL 的情况下重定向?
How can I redirect without changing the URL?
Is there another way around this? Do I need to use a frame/iframe?
很久以前,但无论如何我都会为那些通过 Google 来到这里的人(像我一样)回答这个问题.答案很简单:
Bit long ago, but I'll answer the question anyway for those who come here by Google (like me). The answer is really simple:
在您的 htaccess 中,删除 R=301 部分(当然还有逗号).
In your htaccess, remove the R=301 part (and the comma of course).
R=301 表示您通过 301 重定向来完成.你不想那样
R=301 means you do it via a 301 redirect. You don't want that
这篇关于.htaccess 重定向到外部 URL,同时隐藏重定向的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!