我使用了交互式报告 APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX2(p_idx => 1, p_value => ST.ID, p_attributes => DECODE(ST.IS_HEADER_ROW ,'Y', 'DISABLED',NULL)).并且我想根据逗号分隔格式动态中的行 ID 字段中的检查来使用突出显示的 ID.
I used Interactive report APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX2(p_idx => 1, p_value => ST.ID, p_attributes => DECODE(ST.IS_HEADER_ROW ,'Y', 'DISABLED',NULL)).And I want to use highlighted IDs depending upon checks in Row ID field in Comma delimited format DYNAMICALLY.
此外,我将在另一个区域报告中使用该行 ID 值,并在经过几次验证后更新数据库中的值.
Further I will use that Row IDs value in another region report and will update values in DB after few validations.
在按下按钮时,您可以运行这个 JavaScript,它将所有指定的复选框连接成一个分隔的字符串.
On button press, you could run this JavaScript which concatenates all nominated checkboxes into a delimited string.
return this.value;
Then use the following query to find all the records matching values in that string using this, or your version's equivalent.
select * from your_table
where id in (select column_value from apex_string.split(:P1_ROWIDS))
This can all happen without submitting the page.
这篇关于通过 Apex 项目复选框检查想要在项目字段中存储值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!