本文介绍了使用Visual Studio 2015禁用注释的自动缩进的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



当我在安装了Resharper的Visual Studio 2015中保存C#文件时,我已经寻找并寻找了禁用注释缩进的方法.

I have looked and searched for ways to disable indentation of comments when I save C# files in Visual Studio 2015 with Resharper installed.

在开始编写实际代码之前,我想伪代码.但是,我一直在调整Visual Studio和Resharper的设置,但均无济于事.因此,例如,我希望注释看起来像:

I'd like to pseudocode before I start writing actual code. However I have been tweaking with both Visual studio's and Resharper's settings to no avail. So for example I want the comments to look like:

  private string ToggleString(string input)
        // If input.length is between 1-100
            // All the uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
            // All the lowercase letters converted to uppercase
        // else
            // Return a constructive message.

        return input;

当我保存 + 时,结果如下:

When I save + it turn out like this:

private string ToggleString(string input)
    // If input.length is between 1-100
    // All the uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
    // All the lowercase letters converted to uppercase
    // else
    // Return a constructive message.

    return input;


How do I disable the auto-format?


在VS 2017(C ++)中,有一个复选框.

In VS 2017 (C++) there is a checkbox for this.

工具||选项|文字编辑器| C/C ++ ||格式化压痕保留评论缩进

Tools | Options | Text  Editor | C/C++ | Formatting | Indentation | Preserve indentation of comments

取消选中该选项可修复烦人的评论自动格式设置.也许VS 2015中存在相同的选项.

Unchecking it fixed annoying comment auto-formatting.Maybe the same option exists in VS 2015.

这篇关于使用Visual Studio 2015禁用注释的自动缩进的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 21:16