


I am in the situation where my application needs to inspect the content/data/body/payload of a POST request without changing the results of subsequent getParameter calls.



The body can be read using the InputStream from request.getInputStream or BufferedReader from request.getReader.



POST requests typically include request parameters in the body of the request. These can be retrieved using getParameter.



the first getParameter call internally parses the inputStream and inserts all parameters into a parameter HashMap. It requires the inputStream to still contain the contents for parsing. Thus one cannot inspect the content and still have a working getParameter call.



Create a request wrapper that caches the inputstream and returns the cache for getInputStream.


I've seen that solution suggested all over the web, but it doesn't work, because getParameter doesn't actually call getInputStream, but refers to the original inputBuffer buried in the request object. I've tried it, both from within the Servlet and by using a filter


The only solution I can think of involves rewriting getParameter to actually parse the cached inputstream manually. But this feels like a bad idea.

有人有其他可行的选择吗? (这是Tomcat 5.5)这感觉应该是一个普通的用例.我简直不敢相信这有多难.

Does anybody have any alternative that works? (This is Tomcat 5.5) This feels like it should be a common use-case; I can't believe how difficult it is.



As suggested by @caskey, a possible solution would be to use reflection to replace the inputBuffer with a replayable inputbuffer. But I did not use that approach as it felt naughty.


Instead I created a request wrapper in a filter which reads the inputstream into a byte array and returns a new InputStream that internally uses a ByteArrayInputStream around that array for all getInputStream calls.

在将输入流读取到字节数组之后,我通过解析有效负载来创建参数映射.我合并了超类的参数映射,以支持带有查询参数的GET案例.我已经重写了所有的getParameter *()方法来使用此参数映射.

After reading the inputstream to the byte array, I create a parameter map by parsing the payload. I merged the superclass' parameter map in to support GET cases with query parameters. I've overridden all the getParameter*() methods to use this parameter map.

我使用apache.axis.utils.IOUtils.readFully轻松地将流读入字节数组.而且我目前正在使用javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils.parsePostData将数据解析为参数映射. HttpUtils.parsePostData实际上已被弃用,所以当我找到它时,我可能会用更好的版本替换它.

I used apache.axis.utils.IOUtils.readFully to easily read the stream in to the byte array. And I'm currently using javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils.parsePostData to parse the data into parameter map. HttpUtils.parsePostData is actually deprecated, so I'll likely replace it with a better version when I find it.



08-01 14:17