

我想在画布的所有四面墙周围制作一个球(椭圆形),当发生这种情况时,我还想在每次弹跳后改变球的颜色和速度(当然是随机的)。 P.S我希望球继续在四面墙周围的画布上弹跳。谢谢你的帮助!



I want to make a ball(an ellipse) bounce around all four walls of the canvas and as this happens I would also like to change the colour of the ball and speed after each bounce(randomly of course). P.S I want the ball to continue bouncing around the canvas off all four walls. Thanks for the help!

What I have tried:

This is the code I have tried. It gets the ball across the x-axis from left to right but doesn't stop on the way back from right to left. I also don't know how to get it to bounce off the top and bottom sides

// The position of the ball
var x = 25;

// How far the ball moves every time
var speed = 3;

var draw = function() {
    background(47, 222, 126);

    fill(48, 46, 48);
    ellipse(x, 200, 50, 50);

    // Moves the ball
    x = x + speed;

    if (x > 375) {
        speed = -5;

    if (x < 214) {
        speed = 5;



08-31 04:26