我刚刚开始使用Xuggle并将所有内容下载到Eclipse中,并将其包含在Referenced Libraries中,但我做了一个非常简单的测试,
I am JUST getting started with Xuggle and I downloaded everything into Eclipse and I included them in them in the Referenced Libraries but I made a really simple test,
package com.xuggle.xuggler.demos;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer;
public class getContainerInfo {
public static void main (String [] args){
IContainer myContainer = IContainer.make();
2011-06-12 16:26:52,142 [main] ERROR com.xuggle.ferry.JNILibraryLoader - Could not load library: xuggle-xuggler; version: 3; Visit http://www.xuggle.com/xuggler/faq/ to find common solutions to this problem
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no xuggle-xuggler in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1734)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:823)
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1028)
at com.xuggle.ferry.JNILibraryLoader.loadLibrary0(JNILibraryLoader.java:265)
at com.xuggle.ferry.JNILibraryLoader.loadLibrary(JNILibraryLoader.java:168)
at com.xuggle.xuggler.XugglerJNI.<clinit>(XugglerJNI.java:19)
at com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer.<clinit>(IContainer.java:1457)
at com.xuggle.xuggler.demos.getContainerInfo.main(getContainerInfo.java:9)
以下是我发现的内容。有一些混乱,因为从Xuggler 5.2及更高版本开始,你不需要安装它并设置环境变量。
Below is what I've found. There is confusion because as of Xuggler 5.2 and greater, you don't need to install it and set the environment variables.
When looking at the web for answers, you may be confused by finding a mixture of steps from old and new versions. The steps from (B) below, no longer apply.
我自己最终通过确保jar在J2EE容器lib中并通过升级来解决问题从Xuggler 5.2到5.4。此后,链接错误消失。
- 是否已定义环境变量XUGGLE_HOME且指向你的Xuggler安装目录(通常是Windows上的C:\Program Files \ Xuggle或Linux / Mac上的/ usr / local)?
- 如果你在Windows上安装,你是否重新启动你安装好之后?
您的PATH环境变量是否包含Windows上的%XUGGLE_HOME%\ bin或Linux / Mac上的$ XUGGLE_HOME / bin? - 您的PATH环境变量是否包含%XUGGLE_HOME%\ Windows上的lib?
- 您的LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量是否包含Linux上的$ XUGGLE_HOME / lib?
- 您的DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量是否包含Mac上的$ XUGGLE_HOME / lib OS-X?
- 您使用的是32位Java JVM,还是64位版本的Xuggler?或者是64位版本的Java JVM,还是32位版本的Xuggler?不幸的是,这不会奏效。您需要确保匹配每个版本的位数。抱歉。
- Is the environment variable XUGGLE_HOME defined and pointing to your Xuggler install directory (usually C:\Program Files\Xuggle on Windows or /usr/local on Linux/Mac)?
- If you installed on Windows, did you reboot after you installed? Does your PATH environment variable include %XUGGLE_HOME%\bin on Windows or $XUGGLE_HOME/bin on Linux/Mac?
- Does your PATH environment variable include %XUGGLE_HOME%\lib on Windows?
- Does your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable include $XUGGLE_HOME/lib on Linux?
- Does your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environmentvariable include $XUGGLE_HOME/lib on Mac OS-X?
- Are you using a 32-bit Java JVM, but a 64-bit version of Xuggler? Or a 64-bit version of the Java JVM but a 32-bit version of Xuggler? Unfortunately that won't work. You need to make sure that you match the "bitness" of each release. Sorry. If fixing those problems doesn't resolve the issue, please contact us via the Support options.