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本文介绍了Highcharter R堆叠式条形图中的多个系列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 在经历了highcharter包文档,访问JBKunst他的网站并查看list.parse2()之后,我仍然无法解决问题。问题如下:从一个data.frame到多个条形图的图表,系列可以是10-30系列的任何地方。现在系列已经被定义如下,但显然必须有一个更简单的方法,例如将一个列表或融化的data.frame传递给函数hc_series,类似于ggplot2可以完成的功能。 低于带有虚拟数据的代码 mydata B = runif(1:10), C = runif(1:10)) highchart()% >% hc_chart(type =column)%>% hc_title(text =MyGraph)%>% hc_yAxis(title = list(text =Weights ))%>% hc_plotOptions(column = list( dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE), stacking =normal, enableMouseTracking = FALSE))%>% hc_series(list(name =A,data = mydata $ A), list(name =B,data = mydata $ B), list(name =C,data = mydata $ C)) b $ b 解决方案使用 hc_add_series_list (你可以使用for循环),它需要一系列的列表(例如,一系列列表,例如 list(name =A,data = mydata $ A) 正如你所说,你需要对数据进行融合/收集,你可以使用 tidyr 包: mynewdata 然后,您需要按 key 参数对数据进行分组,以便为每个键创建数据 /系列。在这里,您可以使用 dplyr 包: mynewdata2 #我们更改密钥名称以在图例中包含标签 group_by(name = key)%>%#这种情况下的数据很简单,只是。$ value列 do(data =。$ value) 这个数据框将包含两列和第二列将包含每行的十个值。 现在你需要列表中的这些信息。因此,我们需要使用 list.parse3 instad list.parse2 来解析,使其保留名称如 或 data 。 系列< ; - list.parse3(mynewdata2) 所以最后改变: hc_series(list(name =A,data = mydata $ A), list(name =B,data = mydata $ B) , list(name =C,data = mydata $ C)) : hc_add_series_list(系列) 希望这是明确的。 After going through the highcharter package documentation, visiting JBKunst his website, and looking into list.parse2(), I still can not solve the problem. Problem is as follows: Looking to chart multiple series from a data.frame into a stacked barchart, series can be anywhere from 10 - 30 series. For now the series have been defined as below, but clearly there has to be an easier way, for example passing a list or melted data.frame to the function hc_series similar as what can be done with ggplot2.Below the code with dummy datamydata <- data.frame(A=runif(1:10), B=runif(1:10), C=runif(1:10))highchart() %>%hc_chart(type = "column") %>%hc_title(text = "MyGraph") %>%hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Weights")) %>%hc_plotOptions(column = list( dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE), stacking = "normal", enableMouseTracking = FALSE) ) %>%hc_series(list(name="A",data=mydata$A), list(name="B",data=mydata$B), list(name="C",data=mydata$C))Which produces this chart: 解决方案 a good approach to add multiples series in my opinion is use hc_add_series_list (oc you can use a for loop) which need a list of series (a series is for example list(name="A",data=mydata$A).As you said, you need to melt/gather the data, you can use tidyr package:mynewdata <- gather(mydata)Then you'll need to group the data by key argument to create the data for each key/series. Here you can use dplyr package:mynewdata2 <- mynewdata %>% # we change the key to name to have the label in the legend group_by(name = key) %>% # the data in this case is simple, is just .$value column do(data = .$value)This data frame will contain two columns and the 2nd colum will contain the ten values for each row.Now you need this information in a list. So we need to parse using list.parse3 instad of list.parse2 beacuse preserve names like name or data.series <- list.parse3(mynewdata2)So finally change:hc_series(list(name="A",data=mydata$A), list(name="B",data=mydata$B), list(name="C",data=mydata$C))by:hc_add_series_list(series)Hope this is clear. 这篇关于Highcharter R堆叠式条形图中的多个系列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 08-01 13:34