




The mute requests for a given stream are cumulative: the AudioManager can receive several mute requests from one or more clients and the stream will be unmuted only when the same number of unmute requests are received.

好了,第一款是真实的;每当我的过程中死了,我所有的静音流会自动静音。但是,无论有多少时间我叫 setStreamMute(someStream,FALSE)它永远也不会取消静音。我最后一次尝试静音只有一次,没有任何反应后,称这是超过100万次!

Well, the first paragraph is true; Whenever my process dies, all of the streams I muted are automatically unmuted.However, no matter how many time I call setStreamMute(someStream, false) it NEVER EVER unmutes.Last time I tried calling it over 1 million times after muting only ONCE and NOTHING happens!

刚提 - 如果我静音它在相同的方法,我静音它 - 它保持静音。但在下次调用相同的方法 - 它从未取消静音

Just to mention - If i unmute it in the same method I mute it - it stays unmuted. But on the next calls to the same method - it never unmutes.

我静音的广播接收器的onReceive方法,我开始使用报警管理。因此,也许是因为我的应用程序是在静音通话和取消静音通话之间的时间杀? (但是,我的应用还停留在RAM)

I am muting in a Broadcast Receiver onReceive method, which I start using an alarm manager. So maybe it because my app was killed during the time between the muting call and the unmuting call? (But my app still stays in the RAM)


Can this problem be because I am not keeping a reference to the AlarmManager (Getting different instances each time?)


Did anyone encounter this problem?


Apperantly,有在这些安卓版本的bug;测试的版本2.2和2.3.3和存在错误。看起来,如果调用 setStreamMute 的AudioManager对象:

Apperantly, there is a bug in these Android versions; Tested for versions 2.2 and 2.3.3 and the bug exists.Looks like, if you call setStreamMute on an AudioManager object:

AudioManager am = (AudioManager)context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
am.setStreamMute(...., true);


and you lose your reference, then get a new reference:

am = null;
am = (AudioManager)context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);

无论如何很多你叫次 am.setStreamMute(...,FALSE)现在,它将永远取消静音。

No matter how many times you call am.setStreamMute(..., false) now, it will never unmutes.


I think ill report this bug now..


Lesson: Keep a static reference to your AudioManager.

@Michell朴,感谢给我的主意,检查其是否在Android软件中的bug :)我一直停留在这个事情了太多的时间,我从未有过的想法,如果它不是我的错,看看

@Michell Bak, thanks for giving me the idea to check whether its the Android software bug :) I've been stuck on this thing for way too much time, and I never had the idea to see if its not my fault.


08-01 12:51