



尝试使用 moment 的 diff 函数来计算时间 b/w 中的毫秒差异,一个时刻将始终具有恒定时区和另一个时区无关时刻.我正在使用时刻时区来帮助解决这个问题.

Trying to use moment's diff function to calculate ms difference in time b/w one moment that will always have a constant timezone and another timezone indifferent moment. I'm using moment-timezone to help with this.


const parisTime   = moment({hour:18, minutes:0}).tz('Europe/Paris');
const currentTime = moment(); //right now
const difference  = moment.duration(parisTime.diff(currentTime))

当我执行此操作时,diff 将 currentTime 视为与 Europe/Paris 相同的时区,这将不起作用 b/c currentTime 可能来自世界任何地方.

When I perform this operation diff treats currentTime as the same timezone as Europe/Paris which won't work b/c currentTime could be from anywhere in the world.

任何想法如何解决这个问题?非常感谢您的帮助 - 正确答案将被标记为如此.

Any ideas how to resolve this ?Your help is much appreciated - correct answer will be marked as so.



我想您想计算今天巴黎时间 18:00 与现在之间的差异.那将是

I think you want to compute the difference between today at 18:00 Paris time and now. That would be

moment.tz('18:00', 'HH:mm', 'Europe/Paris').diff(moment());

基本上,您需要将 18:00 解析为巴黎时间.现在发生的事情是您将其解析为当地时间,然后将其转换为巴黎时间.

Basically, you need to parse 18:00 as Paris time. What is happening right now is that you are parsing it as local time, and then converting that to Paris time.


Note that because you aren't specifying a date, the day is assumed to be 'today', meaning that this code can result in both positive and negative values.

请参阅这篇博文有关 moment 的构造函数如何工作的更多信息.

See this blog post for more information about how moment's constructor functions work.


08-01 12:36