

本文介绍了MS SQL Server中的自定义聚合函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在MS SQL Server中创建自定义聚合函数?

How can I create a custom aggregate function in MS SQL Server? An example would help a lot.


SQL Server 2000并不正式支持自定义聚合函数。但是,最近我也需要该功能,并且发现这篇文章很有启发性:

SQL Server 2000 doesn't officially support custom aggregate functions. However, I recently needed that functionality as well, and I found this article enlightening:

虽然有点黑,但是:需要访问 sp_OA ___ 扩展过程。

It's a bit hack-ish, though: it requires access to the sp_OA___ extended procedures.


The summary is that you can simulate an aggregate function with a series of four wrapper functions, each of which performs one of the following tasks:

  1. 创建可以保存ActiveX对象查询中的状态。在运行查询之前,先调用

    • 使用ActiveX对象执行实际的聚合。

    • 清除GROUP BY边界上的ActiveX对象状态

    • 销毁对象。在运行查询后以及在错误处理过程中,称为

  1. Create an ActiveX object that can hold state within the query. Call this before running the query.
    • Do the actual aggregation using the ActiveX object.
    • Clear the ActiveX object state on GROUP BY boundries
    • Destroy the object. Call this after running the query and during error handling.

然后在查询的选择列表中包括项目2 3,并且项目2还必须包装在现有的无效集合函数(如MAX()或MIN())中。您还可以将这种技术用于累积函数来执行行号之类的操作。

You then include items 2 and 3 in the select list for your query, and item 2 must also be wrapped in an existing no-effect aggregate function like MAX() or MIN(). You can also use this technique for cumulative functions to do things like row numbers.


Some of the comments suggest that the optimizer may try to negate the aggregation effects by optimizing away the calls in some circumstances, though I expect that would be a very rare case indeed. However, I found this question because I took those warnings seriously enough to continue searching for something better.

这篇关于MS SQL Server中的自定义聚合函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 12:00