



navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition 可提供最高10米的精度。我没有使用任何插件进行地理定位。但是其他一些应用程序在同一个地方显示3米精度。

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition in cordova/android gives max 10 meter accuracy. I didn't use any plugin for geolocation. But some other apps shows 3 meter accuracy for the same place.

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition 不能提供更好的准确度?

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition won't give better accuracy?


令人遗憾的是,Android的 cordova-plugin-geolocation 不提供任何本机代码,只需要最少的代码处理Android 6+的权限。
为了获得它使用地理定位的WebView实现的位置,所以如果使用 enableHighAccuracy:true 你没有得到你期望的准确性,你什么都没有做到这一点(可能会向谷歌投诉,以便他们在未来的System WebView更新中对其进行改进)
结果可能会因供应商/ Android版本而异。

Sadly the cordova-plugin-geolocation for Android doesn't provide any native code, just have the minimal code to handle the permissions for Android 6+.For getting the location it uses the WebView implementation of geolocation, so if using enableHighAccuracy: true you don't get the accuracy you expect, there is nothing you can do about it (maybe complain to Google so they improve it in future System WebView updates)The results will probably vary from vendors/Android versions.


So if you need better accuracy you should search for a different plugin that uses native code for getting the location instead of using the one that the WebView provides. There are a few of them, better search for "background geolocation", as the ones providing background geolocation use native code.


08-01 11:49