


hi i'm working on a program (It has to find intersections between lines and then draw a segment from one point to the other) and the code stands underneath.

现在发生的情况是,如果搜索交叉点找到1点,则变量(例如pnt)将被重新标记为pnt(0到2),其中pnt(0)= x pnt(1)= y和pnt(2) = z

pnt(3)<> vartype(1)(也尝试了vartype(0)和vartype(10))它找到了2分。但它不起作用。

Now what happens is, if the search for intersection finds 1 point the variant (for instance pnt) wil be redimed as pnt(0 to 2) in which pnt(0)=x pnt(1)=y and pnt(2)=z
If the search finds 2 points that intersect it redim the variant as pnt(0 to 5). So the program never knows how many points found on the polyline or on the spline. So I thougt this: when it only finds 1 point pnt(3),pnt(4) and pnt(5) won't be assigned so if pnt(3)<>vartype(1) (also tried vartype(0) and vartype(10)) it has found 2 points. But it doesn't work.



    Dim pnt As Variant

    pnt = polyObj.IntersectWith(XlineObj,acExtendNone)'两者之间的交叉点(1或2点)的合作伙伴

'which kind of intersections: 1) 2x intersections with the polyline, 2) 1x with polyline and 1X with spline, 3) 2x with the spline
    ' intersection from an infinite line and the polyline
    Dim pnt As Variant
    pnt = polyObj.IntersectWith(XlineObj, acExtendNone) 'the coördinates of the intersections between the two (either 1 or 2 points)


    Dim pnt2 As Variant

   'intersection from an infinite line and the spline
    Dim pnt2 As Variant

    pnt2 = splineObj.IntersectWith(XlineObj,acExtendNone)两者之间的交叉点(1或2点)的合作伙伴关系($ 1 b $ b   

   如果VarType(pnt(2))<> 10和VarType(pnt(5))<> 10如果pnt(5)不存在(或者换句话说只找到1个交叉点时)'下标超出范围)





   如果VarType(pnt(2))<> 10和VarType(pnt2(2))<> 10然后






   如果VarType(pnt2(2))<> 10和VarType(pnt2(5))<> 10然后




    pnt2 = splineObj.IntersectWith(XlineObj, acExtendNone)the coördinates of the intersections between the two (either 1 or 2 points)
    If VarType(pnt(2)) <> 10 And VarType(pnt(5)) <> 10 Then 'subscript out of range if pnt(5) doesn't exist (or in other words when only 1 intersection is found)
        'draw the segment
    If VarType(pnt(2)) <> 10 And VarType(pnt2(2)) <> 10 Then
        'draw that segment
    If VarType(pnt2(2)) <> 10 And VarType(pnt2(5)) <> 10 Then
        'draw that segment



        msg = MsgBox("出错了","vbOKOnly","错误"))


        msg = MsgBox("something went wrong", vbOKOnly, "error")
    End If
    End If
    End If


So what happens in general is that the program works as long as the variants are dimensioned from 0 to 5, but that isn't always the case. so how do I tell VB that if the second point does not exist he has to move on and check the if the other options are avaible.



I'm stuck on this one, I search for many hours but can't see light at the end of the tunnel.








如果UBound(pnt)= 5那么

If UBound(pnt) = 5 Then


08-16 03:39