本文介绍了图像周围的HTML / CSS文本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have this problem that I can't solve. Basically, I want to do this: my problem

这是我将< img> 放入 p 标签的屏幕截图,但我对这个解决方案不满意。例如 - 如果我不知道段落中的行数并且仍然想要使图像居中,该怎么办...

This is a screenshot of me putting the <img> into the p tags, but I am not happy with that solution. For example - What if I don't know the number of lines in my paragraph and I still want to centre the image ...


I tried solving this in css:

.container {display:flex; justify-content:flex-end}
.item {align-self: center}

这不起作用,因为容器也影响 p 元素...

This doesn't work because the container is also affecting the p element ...So why don't I just put the img into another div? Well, this doesn't work either...

.img_container {display: flex; justify-content:flex-end; width:100%;}
.item {align-self: center;}

这不起作用,因为img_container的宽度也影响 p 而且如果我不使宽度:100%; 比div是无用的,img不会在我想要的那个右侧......

This doesn't work, because of the width of the img_container is affecting the p also and If I dont make the width:100%; than the div is useless and the img will not be at the right side as I wanted it to be ...


I found a lot of "wrapping text around an image" questions and answers that are pointed me to css align property, but I am using html5 and this does not work for me.


I also want to point out that I am not from an English speaking country so searching for topics is hard for me if I don't know the exact name of the topic. So if there is an intire thing based around this topic than please point me into direction of it and I will be happy to read it.


img {position: absolute; top:100px;}


这是一个使用 shape-outside 但您需要注意:

body {
p {
div {
  shape-outside: inset(50px 0px 50px 0px);
  background: url(https://lorempixel.com/400/200/) 5px 50px/100% calc(100% - 100px) no-repeat;
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  float: right;
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Officiis impedit libero esse odio excepturi fuga est ut itaque a quod suscipit, rerum asperiores. Consequuntur voluptates illo rerum recusandae pariatur asperiores, aspernatur, saepe ipsum error dolorem, quod inventore possimus modi deleniti tenetur et officiis. Nemo ab in totam ratione sequi error, ea dolorum repudiandae omnis, eaque facere impedit fugiat. Dolorum distinctio autem sequi enim quidem esse accusamus repudiandae voluptatum nobis, velit, m fuga labore dolores, autem blanditiis, dolorem error ex enim fugiat quisquam aut reprehenderit deleeriores unde? Tempora dolorem, ad quidem quis adipisci dolores tempore  m fuga labore dolores, autem blanditiis, dolorem error ex enim fugiat quisquam aut reprehenderit deleeriores unde? Tempora dolorem, ad quidem quis adipisci dolores tempore</p>

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08-01 11:08