

本文介绍了无法滚动到容器溢出的 flex 项目的顶部的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


因此,在尝试使用 flexbox 制作有用的模态时,我发现似乎是浏览器问题,并且想知道是否有已知的修复或解决方法 - 或有关如何解决它的想法.

我要解决的问题有两个方面.首先,让模态窗口垂直居中,按预期工作.第二个是让模态窗口滚动——在外部滚动,所以整个模态窗口滚动,而不是其中的内容(这样你就可以有下拉菜单和其他可以扩展到模态边界之外的 UI 元素——像自定义日期选择器等)



对于水平溢出,左侧部分变得不可访问(或右侧部分,在 RTL 语言中).

这是一个 LTR 容器的示例,它具有 justify-content: center 和三个弹性项目:





解决方案 #2(尚未在大多数浏览器中实现)

safe 值添加到您的关键字对齐规则中,如下所示:


align-self: 安全中心

来自 CSS 框对齐模块规范:

4.4.溢出对齐:safeunsafe 关键字和滚动安全限制

当[flex item]大于[flex container]时,它会溢出.某些对齐模式,如果在这种情况下使用,可能会导致数据丢失:例如,如果侧边栏的内容是居中,当他们溢出时,他们可能会将部分盒子发送过去视口的起始边缘,无法滚动到.

为了控制这种情况,可以使用溢出对齐模式明确规定.Unsafe 对齐遵循指定的溢出情况下的对齐模式,即使它会导致数据丢失,而 safe 对齐改变了溢出时的对齐方式试图避免数据丢失的情况.



如果[flex item]的大小溢出了[flex container],则[flex item] 改为对齐,就好像对齐模式是[flex-start].


无论 [flex item] 和 [flex容器],则遵循给定的对齐值.

注意:框对齐模块用于多个框布局模型,而不仅仅是 flex.所以在上面的规范摘录中,括号中的术语实际上是对齐主题"、对齐容器"和start".我使用了特定于 flex 的术语来关注这个特定问题.

来自 MDN 的滚动限制解释:

Flex 项目考虑事项

Flexbox 的对齐属性做真正的"居中,不像其他的CSS 中的居中方法.这意味着弹性项目将保留居中,即使它们溢出 flex 容器.

这有时会出现问题,但是,如果它们溢出页面的上边缘,或左边缘 [...],如即使那里有内容,您也无法滚动到该区域!



不要使用 align- 属性,只需将 auto 边距放在您希望居中的弹性项目.

代替 justify- 属性,将自动边距放在外面弹性容器中第一个和最后一个弹性项目的边缘.

auto 边距将弯曲"并占据剩余空间,当有剩余空间时将 flex 项目居中,并切换不正常对齐.

但是,如果您尝试将 justify-content 替换为在多行 flexbox 中基于边距居中,你可能已经用完了幸运,因为您需要将边距放在第一个和最后一个 flex 项目上在每一行上.除非你能提前预测哪些项目会最终在哪条线上,你不能可靠地使用基于边距的居中替换 justify-content 属性的主轴.

So, in attempting to make a useful modal using flexbox, I found what seems to be a browser issue and am wondering if there is a known fix or workaround -- or ideas on how to resolve it.

The thing I'm trying to solve, has two aspects. First, getting the modal window vertically centered, which works as expected. The second is to get the modal window to scroll -- externally, so the whole modal window scrolls, not the contents within it (this is so you can have dropdowns and other UI elements that can extend outside of the bounds of the modal -- like a custom date picker, etc.)

However, when combining the vertical centering with scroll bars, the top of the modal can become inaccessible as it begins to overflow. In the above example, you can resize to force the overflow, and in doing so it allows you to scroll to the bottom of the modal, but not to the top (first paragraph is cut off).

Here's the link to the example code (highly simplified)


.modal-container {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  overflow-x: auto;
.modal-container .modal-window {
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  // Optional support to confirm scroll behavior makes sense in IE10
  //-ms-flex-direction: column;
  //-ms-flex-align: center;
  //-ms-flex-pack: center;
  height: 100%;
.modal-container .modal-window .modal-content {
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-radius: 4px;
  background: #fff;
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 500px;
  padding: 10px

This effects (current) Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.. It does interestingly behave correctly in IE10 if you comment in the IE10 vender prefixed css -- I did not bother testing in IE11 yet, but assume the behavior matches that of IE10.

Any ideas would be good. Links to known issues, or reasoning behind this behavior would also be useful.


The Problem

Flexbox makes centering very easy.

By simply applying align-items: center and justify-content: center to the flex container, your flex item(s) will be vertically and horizontally centered.

However, there is a problem with this method when the flex item is bigger than the flex container.

As noted in the question, when the flex item overflows the container the top becomes inaccessible.

For horizontal overflow, the left section becomes inaccessible (or right section, in RTL languages).

Here's an example with an LTR container having justify-content: center and three flex items:

See the bottom of this answer for an explanation of this behavior.

Solution #1

To fix this problem use flexbox auto margins, instead of justify-content.

With auto margins, an overflowing flex item can be vertically and horizontally centered without losing access to any part of it.

So instead of this code on the flex container:

#flex-container {
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

Use this code on the flex item:

.flex-item {
    margin: auto;

Revised Demo

Solution #2 (not yet implemented in most browsers)

Add the safe value to your keyword alignment rule, like this:

justify-content: safe center


align-self: safe center

From the CSS Box Alignment Module specification:

Note: The Box Alignment Module is for use across multiple box layout models, not just flex. So in the spec excerpt above, the terms in brackets actually say "alignment subject", "alignment container" and "start". I used flex-specific terms to keep the focus on this particular problem.

Explanation for scroll limitation from MDN:

这篇关于无法滚动到容器溢出的 flex 项目的顶部的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 11:00