

我已经尝试了几种jQuery库来使其工作,包括 floatThead fixedheadertable freezeheader ,但我每个人都遇到相同的问题.最初,该表看起来不错,但是一旦THEAD粘在页面顶部,THEAD中的列宽就不再正确对齐.

I have tried several jQuery libs to get this to work, including floatThead, fixedheadertable and freezeheader but I am having the same issue with each of them. The table looks fine, initially, but as soon as the THEAD sticks to the top of the page, the column widths in the THEAD no longer line up properly.

我正在使用Twitter Bootstrap3.如何使其正常工作?引导程序会干扰吗?我的第一个<TR>宽为10 <TD>的事实与它有关吗?科尔斯潘问题?有什么提示吗?

I am using Twitter Bootstrap 3. How can I make this work properly? Is bootstrap interfering? Does it have something to do with the fact that my first <TR> is 10 <TD>s wide? Colspan issue? Any tips, please?


Here's a screenshot to show you what I mean:


My HTML goes something like this:

<div class="table-responsive" style="width:100%;">
    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped display-tbl" style="width:100%;">
            <td colspan="10">
                <div id="content">
                    <ul id="tabs" class="nav nav-tabs tabArea" data-tabs="tabs">
                        <li class='active'><a href="#" class="top-tab">All</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="top-tab">Active</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="top-tab">Inactive</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="top-tab">Follow-up</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="top-tab">Sold</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="top-tab">Dead</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="top-tab">Applications (1233)</a></li>
            <tr style="background-color:#DFE8EB;">
                <td style="width:5em;font-weight:bold;">Date</td>
                <td style="width:5em;font-weight:bold;">Appt</td>
                <td style="font-weight:bold;">First</td>
                <td style="font-weight:bold;">Last</td>
                <td style="font-weight:bold;">Campaign</td>
                <td style="width:5em;font-weight:bold;">Phone</td>
                <td style="font-weight:bold;">City</td>
                <td style="width:4em;font-weight:bold;">Status</td>
                <td style="width:9em; font-weight:bold;">Actions</td>
                <td style="width:1.5em;"><center><span class="fakelink" onclick="checkedAll()">&plusmn;</span></center></td>
        <?php echo $RESULTSTBL; //echo data rows ?>

以及我最近一次尝试使用 FreezeHeader.js 看起来像这样:

And the my latest attempt using FreezeHeader.js looks like this:



我已经研究了它,问题是 freezeHeader table顶部上方创建了一个新的虚拟覆盖div.并在同一张表中复制您的table header.

I've looked into it and the problem is that freezeHeader creates a new dummy overlay div above the top of your table and makes a copy of your table header inside that same table.

直到table header在您的main table内部,它才根据表中的其他单元格计算出它的width.

Until the table header was inside your main table, it got it's width calculated based on other cells in the table .


Once you take it out, the table will try to accomodate the cell width to the content of the cell. Since now the header is isolated in a new table, it now get's the width from the only cell content that it has - the column names of the table header. Some of those columns don't have a set width - on some you did set the width. If you want to keep it the same width, you will have to set a fixed width to atleast 9 cells out of 10 (if you want to keep it 100% fluid) or give fixed width to all - table and cells.

此处的示例(以%设置的单元格宽度-表格的总最小宽度必须大于单元格上设置的宽度总和+不带宽度的流体单元格的内容之和): http://jsbin.com/racinone/2/

Sample here (cells width set in % - the total minimum width of the table has to be wider than the sum of the widths set on cells + the content of the fluid cell without width): http://jsbin.com/racinone/2/

    <tr style="background-color:#DFE8EB;">
        <td style="width:90px;font-weight:bold;">Date</td>
        <td style="width:60px;font-weight:bold;">Appt</td>
        <td style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;">First</td>
        <td style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;">Last</td>
        <td style="font-weight:bold;">Campaign</td> <!-- fluid cell - can be only one -->
        <td style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;">Phone</td>
        <td style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;">City</td>
        <td style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;">Status</td>
        <td style="width:100px;font-weight:bold;">Actions</td>
        <td style="width:100px;"><center><span class="fakelink" onclick="checkedAll()">&plusmn;</span></center></td>

注意:另外请记住,如果您打算使此表流畅而不破坏它,那么如果将表的大小调整为较小的宽度,则需要将cell width保持较大而不是content within it(或使用自动换行),否则仍将无法计算适当的宽度.

Note: Also keep in mind that if you are planning to have this table fluid and not break it, if you resize the table to a smaller width, you need to keep the cell width larger than the content within it (or use word wrap) else it will still fail to calculate the appropriate width.



You may also want to look at some other css approaches to achieve this: Pure CSS Scrollable Table with Fixed Header



Another approach I could imagine, is to write the cell widths of the first row in the original table into a javascript array and after you call the plugin, you also do a callback and iterate over the array and set the cell widths in the new array (this would probably be the most flexible approach).


The behaviour of the plugin already works in a "hacky" way, so this are kinda the only options I see. Hope I gave you any good ideas.


08-13 07:08