



All guides about CSS grid seem to imply a structure where the elements positioned in a grid are direct children of the grid element itself:

<div class="wrapper">

Where .wrapper has display: grid and a definition of the grid properties.

Does it make any sense if I want to position a element that is a "grandchild" of the grid, on the grid itself (instead of relying on its parent?)

<div class="wrapper">

I want to place A, B & C each on their own row of the grid; would that even make sense?


display: subgrid

From the CSS Grid Level 2 draft spec:

This feature has not yet been implemented in major browsers. Who knows when it will be.

In Grid, only the in-flow children of the container become grid items and can accept grid properties.

With display: subgrid on a grid item, the children of the item respect the lines of the container.

According to the Grid Level 1 spec, display: subgrid has been deferred to Level 2.

For now, display: grid on grid items (i.e., nested grid containers) may be useful in some cases.

Another possible workaround is display: contents. The method is explained here:

More information:


08-01 10:51