




struct Range{
    Range(double from, double to) : from(from), to(to) {}
    double from;
    double to;
    // if it matters to the compiler, we can add more fields here to make copying expensive

struct Box{
    Box(Range x, Range y) : x(x), y(y) {}
    Range x;
    Range y;

有人说Box box(Range(0.0,1.0),Range(0.0,2.0)),编译器可以通过在 box 内部构造它们来避免完全复制 Range 对象.

someone said that in Box box(Range(0.0,1.0),Range(0.0,2.0)), the compiler can avoid copying Range objects altogether by constructing them inside box to begin with.


Does any compiler actually do this?


My own attempts haven't succeeded.


编译器可以 - 并且通常会 - 删除从临时到参数的副本.编译器不能删除从参数到成员的副本.虽然在某些情况下在技术上可以删除这些副本,但未获得相关许可.该标准的部分是 12.8 [class.copy] 第 31 段,其中阐明了可以省略副本的 4 种情况(确切的规则有点重要):

The compiler can - and normally does - elide the copies from the temporary to the argument. The compiler cannot elide the copy from the argument to members. While it may technically possible to elide these copies in some cases, the relevant permission isn't given. The section of the standard is 12.8 [class.copy] paragraph 31 which spells out 4 situations where a copy can be elided (the exact rules are a bit non-trivial):

  1. 当返回一个命名的函数局部变量时,使用它的名字.
  2. throw 表达式中使用命名的函数局部变量时.
  3. 复制临时对象时.
  4. 按值捕获异常时.
  1. When returning a named, function local variable using it name.
  2. When using a named, function local variable in a throw expression.
  3. When copying a temporary object.
  4. When catching an exception by value.


Passing a named argument as parameter to the construction of a member variable is, clearly, none of these situations.


The essential background of the rules for copy elision is that in some contexts the declaration of functions suffice to determine when an object will be used. If it is clear upon construction time where the object can be constructed, it can be elided. The caller of a constructor cannot determine based only on the declaration of the constructor where the object will be used.


08-01 10:29