本文介绍了为什么C ++ 11不支持在构造函数初始化列表中的初始化?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



How is {} initialization in a constructor initialization list different from () initialization when initializing reference to abstract types? Take class Bar below:

class AbstractBase
    AbstractBase() {}
    virtual ~AbstractBase() = default;

    virtual void ab() = 0;

class Foo : public AbstractBase
    Foo() {}

    void ab() {}

class Bar
    Bar(const AbstractBase& base) : myBase{base} {}

    const AbstractBase& myBase;

int main()
    Foo f{};
    Bar b{f};



test5.cpp: In constructor ‘Bar::Bar(const AbstractBase&)’:
test5.cpp:22:48: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘AbstractBase’
     Bar(const AbstractBase& base) : myBase{base}
test5.cpp:2:7: note:   because the following virtual functions are pure within ‘AbstractBase’:
 class AbstractBase
test5.cpp:8:18: note:   virtual void AbstractBase::ab()
     virtual void ab() = 0;


Bar(const AbstractBase& base) : myBase(base) {}

通过阅读Stroustrup的C ++ 11书,我的印象是{}在大多数情况下与()相同,除非在使用std :: initializer_list<>和其他构造函数的构造函数之间存在模糊性,以及使用auto作为类型的情况,我都不在这里。

Reading through Stroustrup's C++11 book, I was under the impression that {} was the same as () in most all cases, except where there was an ambiguity between constructors that take std::initializer_list<> and other constructors, and cases where using auto as the type, neither of which I'm doing here.


简短答案:这是一个在C ++ 14中修复的标准错误,而g ++ 4.9有修复(追溯应用于C ++ 11模式)。

Short answer: This was a bug in the Standard which is fixed in C++14, and g++ 4.9 has the fix (retroactively applied to C++11 mode too). Defect Report 1288


Here's a simpler example:

struct S
    int x;
    S() { }     // this causes S to not be an aggregate (otherwise aggregate
                // initialization is used instead of list initialization)

S x = 5;
S const &y { x } ;

x = 6;
std::cout << y << std::endl;     // output : 5

在C ++ 11的文本中, S const& y {x}; 不要将 y 绑定到 x ;其实意思是创建一个临时并绑定一个引用。从C ++ 11 [dcl.init.ref] / 3:

In the text of C++11, the meaning of S const &y {x}; is not to bind y to x; in fact the meaning is to create a temporary and bind a reference to that. From C++11 [dcl.init.ref]/3:

这很傻,显然这个代码的意图是绑定 y 直接到 x 。在C ++ 14中,文本已更改:

This is pretty silly , clearly the intent of this code is to bind y directly to x. In C++14 the text was changed:


Since a type is reference-related to itself (or one of its base classes), in my sample here and in your actual code, it should actually bind correctly.

您的错误消息来自编译器遵循C ++ 11字样,并试图从 base 创建一个临时表,以将引用绑定到;并且此操作失败,因为 base 是抽象类型。

Your error message comes from the compiler following the C++11 wording and attempting to create a temporary from base to bind the reference to; and this fails because base is of an abstract type.

这篇关于为什么C ++ 11不支持在构造函数初始化列表中的初始化?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 23:09