


Sorry guyz, but after you joined with Microsoft, WSP support is one of the worst of all hosting panels ever!

不要误解我 - 我不是责怪你,WSP / DNP的原始开发人员,而是微软,它提供支持,每小时支付,但他们不支持第三方集成的问题。但是嘿,wtf?! WSP不是连接

Don't misunderstand me - I don't blame you, original developers of WSP/DNP, but rather Microsoft, which offers support, paid on per-hour basis, but they DO NOT support issues with 3rd party integrations. But hey, wtf?! Isn't WSP a product, which connects 3rd party products?

所以,如果WSP本身有效,但其他工作没有用 - 这是否意味着MS支持团队完成了它的工作sucessfuly? MS将修复我破损的WSP,但其他产品的问题仍然存在。那是胡说八道,对不起。

So, if WSP itself works, but NOTHING else works - does this mean that MS support team did its job sucessfuly? MS will repair my broken WSP, but issues with other products remain. That's bullshit, sorry.

前两页36个问题中的17个UNANSWERED !!!这不是灾难,这是破坏!

I'd rather pay for the product, say US$ 300-400 like before, and have dedicated free ticketing system for support. I see people asking questions here, but no answers.17 of 36 questions on first two pages UNANSWERED!!! That's not catastrophy, that's sabotage!

我参与了HELM论坛多年,这是优秀支持的参考 - 几乎没有时间在论坛上的答案,问题解决了每天。全部免费,或者如果您愿意,都包括在基本产品奖中。还在Zimbra论坛上参与
(Zimbra = Linux上MS Exchange的最佳或更好的替代品)。开发人员立即在论坛上提供答案,所有问题都得到解决。

I participated with HELM forum for many years, and THAT was reference for excellent support - answers on forum in practically no-time, problems solved on per-day basis. All for free, or if you like, all included in basic product prise. Also participating on Zimbra forums (Zimbra = the best or even better alternative to MS Exchange on Linux). Developer guys deliver answers on forum instantly, and all problems get solved.


But here...no answers, no feel of support, no solutions, problems remain unsloved. Bad, bad, very bad, and by my oppinion, WSP is sentenced to death by the jury of Microsoft.




Just because some of the questions are not marked as answered does not mean the answer is not within the thread.


If people find the answer they need then they shoud mark that reply as an answer and this will then mark it as answered on the main page which is more helpful and useful to people when they login and search for problems.



Even if you start the thread and then reply with a response saying how you have solved it you can simply mark the response as an answer after you have posted the reply.


If everyone pools together and updates the forum with information and marks the reply that helped or solved the issue then it will make it better for everyone and easier to navigate when the search results come up.


09-11 03:00