本文介绍了声音和W3C的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 如何添加声音,以便在页面加载时自动播放?我的搜索引用了一些对< bgsound>的引用,但它被描述为Microsoft设计的标记 。我更喜欢坚持 非专业标准。 此外,是否存在大多数浏览器可以原生播放的声音格式, 没有插件?声音是5秒,只有声音。 解决方案 Eugh。讨厌。可怕。我的扬声器是我自己的,没有 明确许可,不要碰它们! (这不是一个不常见的观点)。 也就是说,包含媒体的标准方式是< objectelement。 - David Dorward< http://blog.dorward.me.uk/<tp://dorward.me.uk/> Home is其中〜/ .bashrc是 Eugh。讨厌。可怕。我的扬声器是我自己的,没有 明确许可,不要碰它们! (这不是一个不常见的观点)。 也就是说,包含媒体的标准方式是< objectelement。 同意。如果网站发出噪音,我会离开。这是我的一个小规则。 声音/视频广告加倍。如果你想要读者,不要把这个 废话放在你的网站上。 Jeremy 我想知道有多少人实际浏览了他们的声音? - Neredbojias Infinity有其限制。 How do I add sound so that it plays automatically when the page isloaded? My search turned up some references to <bgsound>, but it wasdescribed as a Microsoft-designed tag. I prefer to stick tonon-properietary standards.Also, is there a sound format that most browsers can play natively,without a plug-in? The sound is 5-seconds, voice-only. 解决方案Eugh. Nasty. Horrible. My speakers are my own, don''t touch them withoutexplicit permission! (This is not an uncommonly held view).That said, the standard way to include media is with the <objectelement.--David Dorward <http://blog.dorward.me.uk/ <http://dorward.me.uk/>Home is where the ~/.bashrc isEugh. Nasty. Horrible. My speakers are my own, don''t touch them withoutexplicit permission! (This is not an uncommonly held view).That said, the standard way to include media is with the <objectelement.Agreed. If a website makes noise, I leave. It''s a little rule I have.Goes double for sound/video ads. If you want readers, do not put thiscrap on your site.JeremyI wonder how many people actually browse with their sound turned on?--NeredbojiasInfinity has its limits. 这篇关于声音和W3C的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-01 10:16