In a reputable source about C, the following information is given after discussing the &
...这有点不幸的是,术语的 [地址] 的保持,因为它混淆那些谁不知道什么地址是一下,误导那些谁:想为指针如果他们的地址通常会导致悲伤...
运营商为提供的内存地址。 我很想继续寻找事情的现实,但它是一种在可靠来源形式的不同意的困难。
Other materials I have read (from equally reputable sources, I would say) have always unabashedly referred to pointers and the &
operator as giving memory addresses. I would love to keep searching for the actuality of the matter, but it is kind of difficult when reputable sources KIND OF disagree.
现在我稍微困惑 - 是什么的究竟的是一个指针,那么,如果没有一个内存地址?
Now I am slightly confused--what exactly is a pointer, then, if not a memory address?
笔者后来说: ...我将继续使用,但因为要创造一个不同的的[长期]的会更糟术语地址。 EM>
The author later says: ...I will continue to use the term 'address of' though, because to invent a different one [term] would be even worse.
The C standard does not define what a pointer is internally and how it works internally. This is intentional so as not to limit the number of platforms, where C can be implemented as a compiled or interpreted language.
A pointer value can be some kind of ID or handle or a combination of several IDs (say hello to x86 segments and offsets) and not necessarily a real memory address. This ID could be anything, even a fixed-size text string. Non-address representations may be especially useful for a C interpreter.