

也许我误解缓存的的DbContext DbSet 没有,但我的印象是,有一些高速缓存将继续下去。我看到的行为,当我运行下面的代码我不会期望:

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the caching that DbContext and DbSet does but I was under the impression that there was some caching that would go on. I'm seeing behavior that I wouldn't expect when I run the following code:

var ctx = CreateAContext();
var sampleEntityId = ctx.SampleEntities.Select(i => i.Id)
                                       .Single(i => i == 3); //Calls DB as expected
var cachedEntityId = ctx.SampleEntities.Select(i => i.Id)
                                       .Single(i => i == 3); //Calls DB unexpectedly

这是怎么回事吗?我想起了你从 DbSet 得到的那部分,它会首先检查本地缓存,看看是否能查询对象在数据库之前就存在。 ?有没有只是一些我在这里失踪的配置选项

What's going on here? I thought that part of what you get from DbSet is that it would first check the local cache to see if that object exists before querying the database. Is there just some sort of configuration option I am missing here?


什么的是,当你使用 .Find 方法上的<$ EF只会检查缓存C $ C> DbSet 。

What @emcas88 is trying to say is that EF will only check the cache when you use the .Find method on DbSet.


Using .Single, .First, .Where, etc will not cache the results unless you are using second-level caching.


08-01 08:31