I'm trying to find a good way to work on CoffeeScript on Windows and be able to process these files quickly to JavaScript in the IDE.
RubyMine - if我只是打开一个.coffee文件在RubyMine这似乎工作。但我看不到任何按钮或菜单选项转换为JavaScript。
RubyMine - if I just open a .coffee file in RubyMine this seems to work. But I see no button or menu option to convert to JavaScript.
Titanium Studio - 在这个IDE中有一个菜单选项来进行转换 - 调用我的机器上的gitbash。至少这是在IDE中显示在控制台中的内容。
Titanium Studio - in this IDE there is a Menu option to do the conversion - but when used it seems to call out to gitbash on my machine. At least that is what shows up in the console in the IDE.
So I'd like to get one or both of these to work on Windows... or get an alternate suggestion for a good CoffeeScript IDE with the translation process built-in.
RubyMine依赖于Rails framework for CoffeeScript to JavaScript
RubyMine relies on Rails framework for CoffeeScript to JavaScript compilation at the moment.
尖端CoffeeScript支持在PhpStorm / WebStorm产品中提供,在2011年年底发布的EAP版本中。您可以下载并尝试他们在。
Cutting edge CoffeeScript support is available in PhpStorm/WebStorm products, in the EAP versions to be released by the end of 2011. You can download and try them at http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/WI/Web+IDE+EAP.
Watch the issue for progress.
| 查找操作
| 编译Coffeescript文件,或将其绑定到设置中的键盘快捷方式
| 键盘映射
Latest version has an action to compile CoffeeScript, but it just displays a window with the result without writing any files (Help
| Find Action
| Compile Coffeescript File, or bind it to keyboard shortcut in Settings
| Keymap
Note that it's still work in progress, more features will be available soon. At the moment you can probably set up compilation using command line external tools.
这篇关于CoffeeScript IDE for Windows - 尝试Titanium Studio和RubyMine的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!