本文介绍了填充字典中的 KeyNotFoundException的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试修改字典中的值,但编译器抛出 KeyNotFoundException.我敢肯定,我在字典中声明了该键,因为我正在调用 GenerateEmptyChunks() 方法,该方法用块的位置键填充字典,而关卡生成器的值是空的.我检查了调试器,并且 Chunks 字典对象正确填充了键和值.它是由我的不工作 CompareTo 方法引起的吗?如果是,我如何修改 CompareTo 方法以返回正确的值?

I am trying to modify value in dictionary, but the compiler throws KeyNotFoundException. I'm sure, I declared that key in dictionary, because I am calling GenerateEmptyChunks() method, which fills dictionary with chunks with key of their position and values are empty for level generator. I've checked debugger and Chunks dictionary object is correctly filled with keys and values. Is it caused by my unworking CompareTo method? If yes, how I have modify CompareTo method to return right values?

public Dictionary<WPoint, WChunk> Chunks = new Dictionary<WPoint, WChunk>();

GenerateEmptyChunks() 方法:

public void GenerateEmptyChunks(int Xcount, int Ycount)
        for(int x = 0; x <= Xcount; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y <= Ycount; y++)
                this.Chunks.Add(new WPoint(x, y), new WChunk(x, y));

AddBlock() 由关卡生成器为每个图块调用的方法:

AddBlock() method which is called by level generator for each tile:

public void AddBlock(WPoint location, int data)
        this.Chunks[location.GetChunk()].AddTile(new WTile(location, data));

Wchunk 对象:

public class WChunk
        public int ChunkX;
        public int ChunkY;
        public SortedDictionary<WPoint, WTile> Tiles = new SortedDictionary<WPoint, WTile>();

        public WChunk(int posX, int posY)
            ChunkX = posX;
            ChunkY = posY;

        public void AddTile(WTile tile)
            Tiles.Add(tile.GetLocation(), tile);

WPoint 对象:

public class WPoint : IComparable
        public float X;
        public float Y;

        public WPoint(float x, float y)
            X = x;
            Y = y;

        public WPoint GetChunk()
            //Oprava pre bloky mensie ako (1,1)
            if (X <= 16 && Y <= 16)
                return new WPoint(0, 0);
                double pX = (double)(X / 16);
                double pY = (double)(Y / 16);
                return new WPoint((int)Math.Floor(pX), (int)Math.Floor(pY));

        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            WPoint point2 = (WPoint)obj;
            if (point2.X == this.X && point2.Y == this.Y)
                return 0;
            else if (point2.X >= this.X && point2.Y >= this.Y)
                return -1;
                return 1;


Any ideas why is compiler rejecting keys, when they are in dictionary?


是的.您尚未覆盖 GetHashCode.

Yes. You have not overridden GetHashCode.

这篇关于填充字典中的 KeyNotFoundException的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 08:08