




I'm trying to call a mixin as an argument in another mixin but I get a syntax error. There's no variables in the offending mixin call, just arguments.


I'm not sure if this is possible. The answers I've seen on here seem to be either hacks or to be dealing with variables and strings as arguments.


// color variables for user's color
@userColor: #13acae;
@darkUser: hsl(hue(@userColor), saturation(@userColor), lightness(tint(@userColor, 30%)));
@lightUser: hsl(hue(@userColor), saturation(@userColor), lightness(shade(@userColor, 30%)));

// color mixin to alter user's color using Less 'darken' and 'contrast' functions
.contrastColorDark(@percent) { color: darken(contrast(@userColor, @darkUser, @lightUser), @percent); }

// border mixin
.border(@width, @color) { border: @width solid @color; }

// CSS rule using both mixins
.thing {
    .border(1px, .contrastColorDark(10%));


SyntaxError: expected ')' got '.'


What I am trying to achieve: I am trying to get the box border color to match certain elements inside it that are using the contrast mixin.



As discussed in comments, Less mixins are not functions and the mixin calls cannot return any value. Because of this, one mixin (or its output value) cannot be passed as an argument to another mixin.

话虽如此,我们仍然可以在mixin中设置变量,在每个需要选择器的块中调用mixin,并使用其中定义的变量. mixin调用有效地将其中定义的变量公开给父范围.

Having said that, we can still set a variable within a mixin, call the mixin within each selector block where it is required and make use of the variable defined within it. The mixin call effectively exposes the variable defined within it to the parent scope.


Below is a sample snippet which would call the contrast mixin and assign the calculated value as the text color and border color of the element.

// color variables for user's color
@userColor: #13acae;
@darkUser: hsl(hue(@userColor), saturation(@userColor), lightness(tint(@userColor, 30%)));
@lightUser: hsl(hue(@userColor), saturation(@userColor), lightness(shade(@userColor, 30%)));

// color mixin to alter user's color using Less 'darken' and 'contrast' functions
.contrastColorDark(@percent) {
    @color: darken(contrast(@userColor, @darkUser, @lightUser), @percent);
    //color: darken(contrast(@userColor, @darkUser, @lightUser), @percent);

// border mixin
.border(@width, @color) {
    border: @width solid @color;

// CSS rule using both mixins
.thing {
    color: @color;
    .border(1px, @color);

.thing2 {
    color: @color;
    .border(1px, @color);


08-01 07:34