本文介绍了Jenkins 管道冒泡 shell 退出代码以使阶段失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这里是绝对的 Jenkins 流水线/groovy 菜鸟,我有一个舞台

Absolute Jenkins pipeline/groovy noob here, I have a stage

stage('Building and Deploying'){
    def build = new Build()


which is using the shared lib, the source of the Build.groovy is here:

def deploy(branch='master', repo='xxx'){
    if (env.BRANCH_NAME.trim() == branch) {
        def script = libraryResource 'build/package_indexes/python/build_push.sh'
        // TODO: Test out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40965725/jenkins-pipeline-cps-global-lib-resource-file-for-shell-script-purpose/40994132#40994132
        env.PYPI_REPO = repo
        sh script
    }else {
        echo "Not pushing to repo because branch is: "+env.BRANCH_NAME.trim()+" and not "+branch


Problem is when failing to push the build to a remote repo (see below), the stage still ends up showing successful.

running upload
Submitting dist/xxx-0.0.7.tar.gz to https://xxx.jfrog.io/xxx/api/pypi/grabone-pypi-local
Upload failed (403): Forbidden
Finished: SUCCESS

如何冒泡 shell 脚本的退出代码并失败?

How do I bubble up the exit code of the shell script and fail the stage?


sh 步骤返回的状态码与您的实际 sh 命令(在本例中为您的脚本)返回的状态码相同.来自 sh 文档 :

The sh step returns the same status code that your actual sh command (your script in this case) returns. From sh documentation :


您必须确保脚本在失败时返回非零状态码.如果您不确定您的脚本返回什么,您可以使用 sh 步骤的 returnStatus 参数检查返回值,这不会使构建失败,但会返回状态码.例如:

You have to make sure that your script returns a nonzero status code when it fails. If you're not sure what your script returns, you can check the return value using the returnStatus param of the sh step, which will not fail the build but will return the status code. E.g:

def statusCode = sh script:script, returnStatus:true


You can then use this status code to set the result of your current build.


  • currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE' 分别将步骤标记为红色/黄色.在这种情况下,构建仍将处理后续步骤.
  • error "Your error message" 如果您希望构建失败并立即退出.
  • currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' or currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE' to mark the step as red/yellow respectively. In this case the build will still process the next steps.
  • error "Your error message" if you want the build to fail and exit immediately.

这篇关于Jenkins 管道冒泡 shell 退出代码以使阶段失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 06:44