

我写了一个记录器/ exceptionfactory模块,它采用System.Diagnostics.StackTrace,从调用方法和他们的声明类型获取属性。不过我注意到,如果我在释放模式下运行code的Visual Studio之外,我的一些较短的方法得到内联和堆栈跟踪丢失。现在我没有办法来测试是否一个方法将在运行时得到内联,但我不希望 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] 每一个重要方法。但是,如果从我的基类的方法将丢失的缘故吧,我误解了层和操作信息,并可能导致错误的日志或misparameterized例外。

I've written a logger/exceptionfactory module, which uses System.Diagnostics.StackTrace, to get attributes from calling methods and their declaring types. However I noticed, that if I run the code outside of Visual Studio in Release mode, some of my shorter methods get inlined and missing from the stack trace. Now I have no way to test whether a method will get inlined in runtime, but I do not want to [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] every important method. But if a method from my base classes will be missing because of it, I can misread the layer and operation information and that could lead to false log or misparameterized exceptions.


Is there a rule of thumb what gets inlined where and when? Are virtual methods, static methods, base class methods treated any differently? Do I only have to worry about inlining inside assembly? Inside namespace?



Yes, there are some rules but they are heuristics used by the JIT compiler and these heuristics can change at a moment's notice.

  1. 虚拟方法不能被内联。
  2. 在接口中的方法,在另一方面,也可以内联虽然我不是100%肯定这是否会崩溃的堆栈跟踪。
  3. 静态方法和非虚拟实例方法一定可以被内联。
  4. 内联可能跨越命名空间​​(当然)和组件(不是很明显),因为它发生在运行时,当JIT编译的方法调用。
  5. 在重方法不会被内联。这取决于重的定义,并且是JIT应用启发式的一部分。


Some of the heuristics for "heavy" that I'm aware of:

  • 在该方法使用异常处理(即的try-catch或尝试-finally块)没有内联。
  • 在大code(〜32 IL字节,但我可能会记住这个错误)不联方法。
  • 与循环方法是不是内联(除非循环可以完全展开或消除)。


08-19 18:27