


I have a script that reads from a list of computers, does a test connection. If it gets a reply from the Test-Connection, it does a if/else and builds a variable from a Get-ChildItem that reads from the suspect system C:\Users to see the last person to log in and select the name and last write time of the last user that logged in, and does a Write-Host of the results. If the Test-Conneciton didn't get a reply, it builds a variable of the system name with a "offline" statement and does a Write-Host to show it. Then, to finish it all off, it exports the results to a CSV.


  • Get-ChildItem的变量执行Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime,并将结果构建为变量.我想单独显示这些结果(当然也将它们导出到CSV中),而不是合并显示.
  • 我需要修剪结果或修改脚本,以便在结果中不包含多余的字符.
  • The variable for the Get-ChildItem does a Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime and builds the results into a variable. I would like to display those results (and of course export them into the CSV) separately instead of combined.
  • I need to trim the results or modify the script so it doesn't include extra characters in the results.


Here is an example of the results from the Get-ChildItem when the Test-Connection gets a reply from the machine (of course system name, IP address and user name have been changed to protect the innocent):

SYSTEMNAME @{IPV4Address=} @{Name=John.Doe; LastWriteTime=03/08/2017 08:11:48}


The name and last write time are combined in the results and I need to split them out in the display and the CSV export as well as trim the extra characters. Something like this, where systemname, IP address, name and lastwritetime would all appear in their own cells in the CSV:

SYSTEMNAME Name=John.Doe  LastWriteTime=03/08/2017 08:11:48


$computerList = Get-Content "D:\filelocation\LastLogIn.txt"
foreach ($Computername in $computerList) {
  $ipreachable = Test-Connection $computerName -EA SilentlyContinue -Count 1 |
                 select IPV4address
  $output =@()
  if ($ipreachable) {
    $LastUserLoggedIn = Get-ChildItem "\\$computername\c$\Users" -EA SilentlyContinue |
                        Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending |
                        Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime -First 1
    $Details = "$LastUserLoggedIn"
    Write-Host $computername $ipreachable $Details
  } else {
    $details = "$computerName Computer does not exisit or is offline"
    Write-Host $Details
    SystemName = $Computername
    IPV4Address = $ipreachable
    UserLogInDetails = $details
  } | Export-Csv "D:\filelocation\lastuserreults.csv" -NoType -Append



... | Select-Object -Expand IPV4Address | Select-Object -Expand IPAddressToString


and don't turn the directory information into a string:


$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
  SystemName  = $Computername
  IPV4Address = $ipreachable
  UserName    = $LastUserLoggedIn.Name
  Timestamp   = $LastUserLoggedIn.LastWriteTime


So that you can display the information on the console as well as export it to a CSV:

$obj | Format-Table -AutoSize
$obj | Export-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv' -NoType -Append


08-01 05:02