


I have to import data without time zone information in it (however, I know the specific time zone of the data I want to import), but I need the timestamp with time zone format in the database. Once I import it and set the timestamp data type to timestamp with time zone, Postgres will automatically assume that the data in the table is from my time zone and assign my time zone to it. Unfortunately the data I want to import is not from my time frame, so this does not work.


The database also contains data with different time zones. However, the time zone within one table is always the same.

现在,我可以将数据库的时区设置为要导入的数据的时区。导入数据之前(使用 SET时区命令),并在导入完成后将其更改回我的时区,我很确定已经存储的数据不会受到影响通过数据库的时区更改。但这似乎是一种很肮脏的方法,以后可能会引起问题。

Now, I could set the time zone of the database to the time zone of the data I want to import before importing the data (using SET time zone command) and change it back to my time zone once the import is done, and I am pretty sure already stored data will not be affected by the time zone change of the database. But this seems to be a pretty dirty approach and may cause problems later on.


I wonder if there is a more elegant way to specify the time zone for the import without having the time zone data in the data itself?


Also, I have not found a way to edit time zone information after import. Is there a way not to convert, but simply to edit the time zone for a whole table, assuming that the whole table has the same time zone offset (i.e. if a wrong one has been assigned upon data entry/import)?



I managed to specify a time zone upon import, the whole command being:

set session time zone 'UTC';
COPY tbl FROM 'c:\Users\Public\Downloads\test.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
set session time zone 'CET';


The data then gets imported using the session time zone. I assume this has no effect on any other queries on the database at the same time from other connections?




I suppose it is more elegant to change the time zone of the table after import then to use session to change the local time zone temporary. Assuming the whole table has the same time zone of course.


So the code would be now something along the line of:

COPY tbl FROM 'c:\Users\Public\Downloads\test.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
UPDATE tbl SET <tstz_field> = <tstz_field> AT TIME ZONE '<correct_time_zone>';



It is a lot more efficient to set the time zone for your import session than to update the values later.

给我的印象是,您将时区视为适用于否则表中的值不变。但这根本不是那样。将其视为输入/输出修饰符。实际的时间戳值(带有或不带有时区)总是 在内部存储为UTC时间戳(自'2000起的秒数-01-01 00:00')。更多详细信息:

I get the impression that you think of the time zone like a setting that applies to otherwise unchanged values in the tables. But it's not like that at all. Think of it as an input / output modifier. Actual timestamp values (with or without time zone) are always stored as UTC timestamps internally (number of seconds since '2000-01-01 00:00'). A lot more details:

  • Ignoring time zones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL

第二个示例中的code> UPDATE 将表的大小加倍,因为每一行都无效并且添加了新版本(这就是 UPDATE 与Postgres中的一起使用)。除了昂贵的操作之外, VACUUM 将不得不在以后做更多的工作来清理表膨胀。效率很低。

The UPDATE in your second example doubles the size of the table, as every single row is invalidated and a new version added (that's how UPDATE works with MVCC in Postgres). In addition to the expensive operation, VACUUM will have to do more work later to clean up the table bloat. Very inefficient.

完全安全 SET 的本地时区进行设置会议。这不会以任何方式影响并发操作。顺便说一句, SET SESSION 与普通的 SET 相同,因为 SESSION

It is perfectly safe to SET the local time zone for the session. This doesn't affect concurrent operations in any way. BTW, SET SESSION is the same as plain SET because SESSION is the default anyway.

如果您想完全确定,则可以将设置限制为当前的交易 SET LOCAL 。我在

If you want to be absolutely sure, you can limit the setting to the current transaction with SET LOCAL. I quote the manual here


SET LOCAL timezone = 'UTC';
COPY tabledata FROM 'c:\Users\Public\Downloads\test.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;


SHOW timezone;


08-01 04:55